(Books by Thomas Schirrmacher in chronlogical order. – With short commentaries.)
As author
- Das Mißverständnis des Emil Brunner: Emil Brunners Bibliologie als Ursache für das Scheitern seiner Ekklesiologie. Theologische Untersuchungen zu Weltmission und Gemeindebau. ed. by Hans-Georg Wünch and Thomas Schirrmacher. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Weltmission und Gemeindebau: Lörrach, 1982. 54 pp.
[The misunderstanding of Emil Brunner] A study and critique of Emil Brunner’s ecclesiology and of the bibliology and hermeneutics of dialectical theology.
- Mohammed: Prophet aus der Wüste. Schwengeler: Berneck (CH), 19841, 19862, 19903, 19964. VTR: Nürnberg, 20065. 120 pp.
[Muhammad] A short biography of the founder of Islam and an introduction into Islam.
- Theodor Christlieb und seine Missionstheologie. Verlag der Evangelischen Gesellschaft für Deutschland: Wuppertal, 1985. 308 pp.
[Theodor Christlieb and his theology of mission] A study of the biography, theology and missiology of the leading German Pietist, professor of practical theology and international missions leader in the second half of the nineteenth century. (Thesis for Dr. theol. in missiology.)
- Die Freimaurer: Religion der Mächtigen. Schwengeler: Berneck, 19911, 19922, 19933, 19944, VTR: Nürnberg, 20185.
[The Freemasons: religion of the Powerful?] History of the Freemasons with an appendix comparing the beliefs of Freemasons and Christianity.
- Marxismus: Opium für das Volk? Schwengeler: Berneck (CH), 19901, 19972. 150 pp.
[Marxism: Opiate for the People?] Marxism is proven to be a religion and an opiate for the masses. Empasizes the differences between Marxist and Biblical work ethics.
- Zur Kritik der marxistischen Sagen- und Märchenforschung und andere volkskundliche Beiträge. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 19911, 20032. 227 pp.
[On the Marxist View of Sagas and Tales and other essays in folklore and culturalanthropology] 10 essays and articles on the science of folklore and cultural anthropology in Germany. Includes a critique of the Marxist interpretation of tales and sagas, and studies on the history of marriage and family in Europe from the 6th century onward.
- „Der göttliche Volkstumsbegriff“ und der „Glaube an Deutschlands Größe und heilige Sendung“: Hans Naumann als Volkskundler und Germanist unter dem Nationalsozialismus. 2 volumes. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2 volumes, 19921, in one volume 20002. 606 pp.
[Hans Naumann as Anthropologist and Germanist under National Socialism] Discusses the history of German cultural anthropology and folklore under Hitler, especially the leading figure Naumann, professor of German language, whose scientific theory is shown to be very religious in tone. (Thesis for a PhD in Cultural Anthropology.)
- War Paulus wirklich auf Malta? Hänssler: Neuhausen, 19921, VTR: Nürnberg, 20002 (together with Heinz Warnecke). 254 pp.
[Was Paul Really on Malta?] The book shows that Paul was not shipwrecked on Malta but on another island, Kephalenia, and that the report in Acts is very accurate. The Pauline authorship of the Pastoral Epistles is defended with theological and linguistic arguments against higher criticism.
- Psychotherapie – der fatale Irrtum. Schwengeler: Berneck (CH), 19931, 19942; 19973; 20014 (together with Rudolf Antholzer). 150 pp.
[Psychotherapy – the Fatal Mistake] A critique of secular psychotherapy, showing that psychotherapy often is a religion, and that most psychotherapists call every school except their own to be unscientific.
- Paulus im Kampf gegen den Schleier: Eine alternative Sicht von 1. Korinther 11,2–16. Biblia et symbiotica 4. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 19931, 19942, 19953, 19974 168 pp. Revised: VTR: Nürnberg, 20025.
[Paul in Conflict with the Veil!?] Exegetical examination of 1. Corinthians 11,2–16, following an alternative view of John Lightfoot, member of the Westminster assembly in the 16th century. „Schirrmacher argues that from the biblical teaching that man is the head of woman (1 Cor 11:3) the Corinthians had drawn the false conclusions that in prayer a woman must be veiled (11:4–6) and a man is forbidden to be veiled (11:7), and that the wife exists for the husband but not the husband for the wife (11:8–9). Paul, however, rejected these conclusions and showed in 11:10–16 why the veiling of women did not belong to God’s commandments binding upon all the Christian communities. After stating the thesis and presenting his alternative translation and exposition of 1 Cor 11:2–16, he considers the difficulties in the text, presents his alternative exposition in detail (in the form of thirteen theses), discusses quotations and irony in 1 Corinthians, and deals with other NT texts about women’s clothing and prayer and about the subordination of wives.“ (New Testament Abstracts vol. 39 (1995) 1, pp. 154).
- Der Römerbrief. 2 vol. Neuhausen: Hänssler, 19941; Hamburg: RVB & Nürnberg: VTR, 20012. 331+323 pp.
[The Letter to the Romans] Commentary on Romans in form of major topics of Systematic Theology starting from the text of Romans, but then going on to the whole Bible.
- Der Text des Römerbriefes: Für das Selbststudium gegliedert. Biblia et symbiotica 7. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1994. 68 pp.
[The Text of the Letters to the Romans] The text of Romans newly translated and structured for self study.
- Ethik. Neuhausen: Hänssler, 19941. 2 vol. 883 & 889 pp.; Hamburg: RVB & Nürnberg: VTR, 20012. 3 vol. 2150 pp.; 20023, 20094, 20125, 20206. 8 volumes. 2850 pp.
[Ethics] Major Evangelical ethics in German covering all aspects of general, special, persocial and public ethics.
- Galilei-Legenden und andere Beiträge zu Schöpfungsforschung, Evolutionskritik und Chronologie der Kulturgeschichte 1979–1994. Biblia et symbiotica 12. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1996. 331 pp.
- Völker – Drogen – Kannibalismus: Ethnologische und länderkundliche Beiträge 1984–1994. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1997. 218 pp.
[Peoples – Drugs – Cannibalism] A collection of articles on cultural anthropology, especially on Indians in South America, cannibalism and the religious use of drugs.
- Die Vielfalt biblischer Sprache: Über 100 alt- und neutestamentliche Stilarten, Ausdrucksweisen, Redeweisen und Gliederungsformen. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1997. 130 pp.
[The Diversity of Biblical Language] A hermeneutical study, listing more than 100 specific language techniques in the Bible with several proof texts for each of them.
- Gottesdienst ist mehr: Plädyoer für einen liturgischen Gottesdienst. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1998. 130 pp.
[Church Service is More] An investigation into biblical proof texts for liturgical elements in Christian Sunday service.
- Gesetz und Geist: Eine alternative Sicht des Galaterbriefes. Reformatorische Paperbacks. Reformatorischer Verlag: Hamburg, 1999. 160 pp.
[Law and Spirit] This commentary emphasising the ethical aspects of Galatians wants to prove that Galatians is not only fighting legalists but also a second party of Paul’s opponents, who were totally opposed to the Old Testament and the Law, and lived immorally in the name of Christian freedom, a view especially endorsed by Wilhelm Lütgert’s commentary of 1919. Paul is fighting against the abrogation of the Old Testament Law as well as against using this Law as way of salvation instead of God’s grace.
- Law or Spirit? An Alternative View of Galatians. RVB International: Hamburg, 20011; 20082. 160 pp.
English version of the same book.
- God Wants You to Learn, Labour and Love. Reformation Books: Hamburg, 1999. 120 pp.
Four essays for Third World Christian Leaders on Learning with Jesus, Work Ethic, Love and Law and Social Involvement.
- Dios Quiere que Tú Aprendas Trabajes y Ames. Funad: Managua (Nikaragua), 19991; 20002; RVB International: Hamburg, 20033. 70 pp.
[God Wants You to Learn, Labour and Love] Spanish version of the same book.
- 37 Gründe, warum Christen sich für eine Erneuerung unserer Gesellschaft auf christlicher Grundlage einsetzen sollten. Die Wende, 1999. 40 pp.
[37 reasons for Christian involvement in society and politics].
- Christenverfolgung geht uns alle an: Auf dem Weg zu einer Theologie des Martyriums. Idea-Dokumentation 15/99. Idea: Wetzlar, 1999, 2011. 187 pp.
[The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All: Towards a Theology of Martyrdom] 70 thesis on persecution and martyrdom, written for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on behalf of the German and European Evangelical Alliance.
- World Mission – Heart of Christianity. RVB International: Hamburg, 19991; 20082. 120 pp.
Articles on the Biblical and systeamtic fundament of World Mission, especially on mission as rooted in God’s being, on ‘Mission in the OT’, and ‘Romans as a Charter for World Mission. Shorter version of German original 2001.
- Eugen Drewermann und der Buddhismus. Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft: Nürnberg, 20001; 20012. 132 pp.
[Drewermann and Buddhism] Deals with the German Catholic Author Drewermann and his propagating Buddhist thinking. Includes chapter on a Christian Ethics of Environment.
- Ausverkaufte Würde? Der Pornographie-Boom und seine psychischen Folgen (with Christa Meves). Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2000. 130 pp.
[The Selling Off of Dignity] The psychological results of pornography.
- Eine Sekte wird evangelisch – Die Reformation der Weltweiten Kirche Gottes. Idea-Dokumentation 11/2000. Idea: Wetzlar, 2000. 56 pp.
[A Cult Becomes Protestant] Detailed report on the reformation of the Worldwide Church of God (Herbert W. Armstrong) from a sect to an evangelical church.
- Legends About the Galilei-Affair. RVB International: Hamburg, 20011; 20082. 120 pp.
Shorter version of the German book ‘Galilei-Legenden’ mentioned above with essays on the Galilei-affair and creation science.
- Human Rights Threatened in Europe: Euthanasia – Abortion – Bioethicconvention. RVB International: Hamburg, 20011; 20082.
- 100 pp.
Updated Lectures on euthanasia and biomedicine at the 1st European Right to Life Forum Berlin, 1998, and articles on abortion.
- Menschenrechte in Europa in Gefahr. RVB: Hamburg, 2001 … 110 pp.
[Human Rights Threatened in Europe] Updated Lectures on euthanasia and biomedicine at the 1st European Right to Life Forum Berlin, 1998, and articles on abortion. See slightly different English version above.
[Be Keen to Get Going: William Careys Theology] First discussion of Carey’s theology in length, explaining his Calvinistic and Postmillenial backround.
- Be Keen to Get Going: William Careys Theology. RVB: Hamburg, 20011; 20082. 64 pp.
Same book in English.
- Darf ein Christ schwören? RVB: Hamburg, 2001. 140 pp.
[May Christians Take an Oath?] On Swearing and on its meaning for covenant theology . Taken from ‚Ethik’, vol. 1.
- Christus im Alten Testament. RVB: Hamburg, 2001. 84 pp.
[Christ in the Old Testament] On Christ and the Trinity in the Old Testament and on ‘the Angel of the Lord’. Taken from ‚Ethik’.
- Wie erkenne ich den Willen Gottes? Führungsmystik auf dem Prüfstand. RVB: Hamburg, 2001. 184 pp.
[How to know the will of God] – Critizeses the inner leading of the Spirit. Taken from ‘Ethik’.
- Love is the Fulfillment of Love – Essays in Ethics. RVB: Hamburg, 20011; 20082. 140 pp.
Essays on ethical topics, including role of the Law, work ethics, and europaen union.
- Mission und der Kampf um die Menschenrechte. RVB: Hamburg, 2001. 108 pp.
[Mission and the Battle for Human Rights] The relationship of world missions and the fight for human rights is discussed on an ethical level (theology of human rights) as well as on a practical level.
- The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All: Towards a Theology of Martyrdom. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 5. 3rd Edition. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2018. 178 pp.
70 thesis on persecution and martyrdom, written for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on behalf of the German and European Evangelical Alliance.
- Irrtumslosigkeit der Schrift oder Hermeneutik der Demut? VTR: Nürnberg, 2001. 82 pp.
[Inerrancy of Scripture or ‘Hermeneutics of Humility’] Debate with Dr. Hempelmann on the inerrancy of scripture.
- Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte: Heiligenverehrung – Universität Gießen – Reformation / Augustin – Böhl – Spurgeon – Brunner. VKW: Bonn, 2001. 200 pp.
[Essay on the History of church and Dogma] Articles on topics from church history like ‘The beginning of the veneration of saints’ and on the named theologians.
- Weltmission – Das Herz des christlichen Glaubens: Beiträge aus ‚Evangelikale Missiologie‘. VKW: Bonn, 2001. 200 pp.
[World Mission – Heart of Christiniaty] Articles on the Biblical and systeamtic fundament of World Mission, especially on mission as rooted in God’s being, on ‘Mission in the OT’, and ‘Romans as a Charter for World Mission.. Shorter version of German original 2001.
- Säkulare Religionen: Aufsätze zum religiösen Charakter von Nationalsozialismus und Kommunismus. VKW: Bonn, 2001. 140 pp.
[Secular Religions] Articles on the religious nature of National Socialism and Communism. Includes texts of prayers to Hitler.
- Paulus im Kampf gegen den Schleier!? VTR: Nürnberg, 20025. 130 pp.
Revised version. See commentary on first edition 19931.
- Paul in Conflict with the Veil!? VTR: Nürnberg, 20021; 20072. 130 pp.
Same book in English.
- Hoffnung für Europa: 66 Thesen. VTR: Nürnberg, 20021; 20182.
Official thesis and study of hope in the Old and New Testament for Hope for Europe of the European Ev. Alliance and Lausanne Europe.
- Hope for Europe: 66 Theses. VTR: Nürnberg, 20021; 20182.
Same book in English. Also available in Czech, Dutch, Spanish, Rumanina, Portugese, French, Russian, Italian, Portugese, Hungarian, Lettish, Latvian.
- ABC der Demut. RVB: Hamburg, 2002.
[ABC of Humility] Notes and bible studies on humility in alpahbetical order.
- Führen in ethischer Verantwortung: Die drei Seiten jeder Verantwortung. Edition ACF. Brunnen: Gießen, 20021; 20082; 20213.
[Leading in ethical responsibility: The three aspects of every decision] An introduction into ethcis for economic and other leaders for the Academy of Christian Leaders.
- Marxismus – Opium für das Volk. 3. Reworked ed. 2022 (1987). 174 pp.
- Der Papst und das Leiden: Warum der Papst nicht zurücktritt. VTR: Nürnberg, 2002. 64 pp.
[The Pope and Suffering] A study of the writings of Pope John II. on suffering and an evaluation of their exegetical basis. Gives reasons why the pope does not resign.
- Erziehung, Bildung, Schule. VTR: Nürnberg, 2002. 88 pp.
[Instruction, Education, School] The chapters on rising of children, example, education, and Christian school from ‘Ethics’.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Christine Schirrmacher u. a. Harenberg Lexikon der Religionen. Harenberg Verlag: Düsseldorf, 2002. 1020 pp.
[Harenberg Dictionary of World Religions] In a major secular dictionary on world religions, Thomas Schirrmacher wrote the section on Christianity (‘Lexicon of Christianity’, pp. 8–267) and Christine Schirrmacher the section on Islam (‘Lexicon of Islam’, pp. 428–549).
- Studies in Church Leadership: New Testament Church Structure – Paul and His Coworkers – An Alternative Theological Education – A Critique of Catholic Canon Law. VKW: Bonn, 20031; RVB: Hamburg, 20082. 112 pp.
Contains the named five essays. The first essay is translated from vol. 5 of ‘Ethics’.
- Im Gespräch mit dem Wanderprediger des New Age – und andere apologetische Beiträge. VKW: Bonn, 2003. 210 pp.
[In Discussion with the Itinerant Preacher of the New Age] Essays and reports on non-Christian religions, New Age, reincarnation, manicheism from two decades of apologetic debates.
- Verborgene Zahlenwerte in der Bibel? – und andere Beiträge zur Bibel. VKW: Bonn, 2003. 200 pp.
[Secret Numbers in the Bible?] Essays and articles on Bible Numerics, the importance of Hebrew studies, Obadiah, the Psalms and other Bible related topics from 2 decades of studies.
- Feindbild Islam. VKW: Bonn, 2003. 111 pp.
[Bogeyman Islam] May Arab Christians call God ‚Allah‘? Is Allah the Father of Jesus? How Politcal Parties in Germany misrepresant Islam.
- Religijos mokslas. Prizmês knyga. Siaulai (Litauen): Campus Fidus, 2004. 106 pp.
[Secular Religions] In Latvian: Essays on Religions, Marxism, National Socialism and the devil in Art and Literature.
- Bildungspflicht statt Schulzwang. VKW/VTR/idea: Bonn et. al., 2005. 90 pp.
[Compulsary Education or Compulsary Schooling] A scientific evaluation of homeschooling.
- Der Ablass. RVB/VTR: Hamburg, 2005. 144 pp.
[The Indulgences] History and theology of the Catholic view on indulgences.
- Die Apokryphen. RVB/VTR: Hamburg, 2005. 92 pp.
[The Apocrypha] History and theology of the Catholic view on the apocrypha and an apology of the Protestant position.
- Scham- oder Schuldgefühl? Die christliche Botschaft angesichts von schuld- und schamorientierten Gewissen und Kulturen. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2005. 99 pp.
[Shame- and Guiltfeeling] This study explains the difference between shame- and gulitoriented cultures and shows, that the ‘Biblical’ message emphasizes shame and guilt equally and thus can be applied to cultures in the West, the East, in modern and in Third World cultures.
- Thomas Schirrmacher et al. Christ und Politik: 50 Antworten auf Fragen und kritische Einwände. VKW: Bonn, 2006. 125 pp.
[Christians and Politics] Schirrmacher and three members of parliament from Switzerland answer questions around the relation of church and state and the political involvement of Evangelicals.
- Der Segen von Ehe und Familie: Interessante Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Statistik. VKW: Bonn, 2006. 125 pp.
[The Blessing of Marriage and Family] Introduction to 200 scientific studies and statistics, that prove the blessing of longterm marriage and stable family.
- Multikulturelle Gesellschaft: Chancen und Gefahren. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2006. 100 pp.
[Multicultural Society] A history of multiculturalism (especially Muslims and Russian-Germans) in Germany and its political, economic and religious implications for the future of Germany.
- Die neue Unterschicht: Armut in Deutschland? Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2007. 120 pp.
[The New Low Cast] A sociology of low cast people in Germany, the differences in culture to low cast people one hundred years ago, tasks for churches and the State.
- Hitlers Kriegsreligion: Die Verankerung der Weltanschauung Hitlers in seiner religiösen Begrifflichkeit und seinem Gottesbild. 2 vol. VKW: Bonn, 2007. 1220 pp.
[Hitlers Religion of War] A research about the religious terms and thoughts in all texts and speeches of Hitler of Hitler, pleading for a new way of explaining Hitlers worldview, rise and breakdown.
- Moderne Väter: Weder Waschlappen, noch Despot. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2007. 96 pp.
[Modern Fathers] Presents the result of international father research, explains the necessity of the father’s involvement for his children and gives practical guidelines.
- Sheria au Roho? Trans-Africa Swahili Christian Ministries: Mwanza, Tanzania, 2007. 96 pp.
Kiswahili-Version of ‘Law and Spirit’ about Galatians.
- Koran und Bibel: Die größten Religionen im Vergleich. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2008. 96 pp.
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Christenverfolgung heute. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2008. 96 pp.
[The Persecution of Christians today] Gives an overview over the persecution of Christians worldwide and presents a short theology of persecution as well political reasons for the fight for religious freedom.
- Internetpornografie … und was jeder darüber wissen sollte. VKW: Bonn, 2022 (Reprint from 2008). 224 pp.
[Internet pornography] Intense study of spread of pornography, ist use amongst children and young people, its psychological results and dangers, including steps how to escape sex and pornography addiction. Russian Edition 2009
- May a Christian Go to Court and other Essays on Persecution vs. Religious Freedom. WEA Glonal Issues Series. VKW: Bonn, 2008. 120 pp.
Essays: “Is Involvement in the Fight Against the Persecution of Christians Solely for the Benefit of Christians?”, “But with gentleness and respect: Why missions should be ruled by ethics”, “May a Christian Go to Court?”, “Putting Rumors to Rest”, “Human Rights and Christian Faith”, “There Has to Be a Social Ethic”.
- Rassismus: Alte Vorurteile und neue Einsichten. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2009. 120 pp.
[Racism] History and scientific errors of racism.
- Fundamentalismus: Wenn Religion gefährlich wird. SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2009. 120 pp.
[Fundamentalism] History of term, definition, examples from all religions.
- Menschenhandel: Die Rückkehr der Sklaverei. SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2011. 106 pp.
[Human Trafficking: The Return of Slavery] History and present situation of human trafficking including Europe, discusses legal and other reasons that prevent the fight against modern slavery.
- Responsabilitatea etica in luarea deciziilor (2011) Scriptum, Oradea (Romania), 2011. 210 pp.
Rumanian Version of ‘Führen in ethischer Verantwortung’ [‘Leading in ethical responsibility’]. An introduction into ethcis for economic and other leaders for the Academy of Christian Leaders.
- Demnitate pierduta – Pornografia pe internet. Adevaruri, pericole, evolutie. Oradea (Romania): Scriptum, 2011. 208 pp.
Rumanian version of ‘Internetpornography’.
- Indulgences: A History of Theology and Reality of Indulgences and Purgatory. VKW: Bonn, 2011; Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2014. 164 pp.
History and theology of the Catholic view on indulgences.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Richard Howell. Racism. With an essay on Caste in India. VKW: Bonn, 2011. 100 pp.
History and scientific errors of racism
- Missio Dei: Mission aus dem Wesen Gottes. Komplementäre Dogmatik Reihe 2. Hamburg, Nürnberg, 2011. 100 pp.
[Missio Dei: Mission as an Attribute of God] The trinitarian foundations of mission and missiology with three chapters: historicalö, exegetical and ecumenical studies (especially on the dividing ‘filioque’-discussion).
- Mungu Akutaka Ujifunze, Ufanye Kazi na Upende. Trans-Africa Swahili Christian Ministries: Mwanza, Tanzania & RVB International: Hamburg, 2011. 100 pp.
Kiswahili-Version of ‘God wants you to learn …’.
- Tumaini Kwa Afrika: Hoja 66. Trans-Africa Swahili Christian Ministries: Mwanza, Tanzania & RVB International: Hamburg, 2011. 100 pp.
“Hope for Africa: 66 Thesis”.
- Mafunzo Yahusuyo Uogozi wa Kanisa. Trans-Africa Swahili Christian Ministries: Mwanza, Tanzania & RVB International: Hamburg, 2012. 120 pp.
Kiswahili-Version of ‘Studies in Church Leadership’.
- Menschenrechte: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Holzgerlingen: SCM Hänssler, 2012. 120 pp.
“Human Rights”: Ethical arguments for human rights versus the present stage of the violation of human rights.
- Christ and the Trinity in the Old Testament. Edited by James E. Anderson. RVB: Hamburg, 2013. 82 pp.
On Christ and the Trinity in the Old Testament and on ‘the Angel of the Lord’. Taken from ‘Ethik’.
- Human Trafficking: The Return to Slavery. 2013. 96 pp.
History and present situation of human trafficking including Europe, discusses legal and other reasons that prevent the fight against modern slavery.
An introduction into ethics for economic and other leaders including a large selection of examples.
- Fundamentalism: When Religion becomes Dangerous. 2013. 124 pp.
[Fundamentalism] History of term, definition, examples from all religions.
- “Ein neues normatives Familienmodell” als “normative Orientierung” – Eine soziologische und theologische Kritik des Familienpapiers der EKD (with Titus Vogt) 2014. 107 pp.
An extended critique of the statement of the German Protestant Church, the former state church, which calls for giving up traditional marriage ethics as society has changed so much.
- Advocate of Love – Martin Bucer as Theologian and Pastor: Achieving Unity Through Listening to the Scriptures and Each Other. 2013. 100 pp.
Life and Theology of the reformer Martin Bucer, who is seen as a major model for Evangelicals.
This study explains the difference between shame- and guiltoriented cultures and shows, that the ‘Biblical’ message emphasizes shame and guilt equally and thus can be applied to cultures in the West, the East, in modern and in Third World cultures.
- The Koran and the Bible. 2013. 90 pp.
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Kur’an ve Kutsal Kitap. 100 pp. Ankara: kurtulus kitaplari, 2014 (Turkish).
[Quran and Bible] Same book in Turkish adapted for Turkey.
- Indulgences: A History of Theology and Reality of Indulgences and Purgatory. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2014
History and theology of the Catholic view on indulgences.
- Korruption: Wenn Eigennutz vor Gemeinwohl steht (with David Schirrmacher) SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2014. 100 pp.
[Corruption] This books gives specific examples from all branches of society locally and globally and than discusses the major tools to fight corruption.
- Unterdrückte Frauen (with Christine Schirrmacher). 2014. 100 pp.
[Supressed Women: A Global Perspectives] A survey, of how and where women are still suppressed worldwide.
- Schwangerschaftsabbruch (with Ute Buth). 2014. 100 pp.
[Abortion: A Guidebook] Facts and stories around abortion helping women to find a solution.
- Human Rights: Promise and Reality. VKW: Bonn, 2014. 120 pp.
Ethical arguments for human rights versus the present stage of the violation of human rights worldwide.
- Morální odpovědnost. Návrat dumo: Prag, 2016. 100 pp. (Czech).
An introduction into ethics for economic and other leaders including a large selection of examples.
- Kaffeepausen mit dem Papst: Meine Begegnungen mit Franziskus. SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2016. 286 pp.
[Coffee breaks with the Pope] My personal encounters with Pope Francis and a history of the relations of the World Evangelical Alliance to the Vatican in recent years.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Thomas K. Johnson. Creation Care and Loving our Neighbors: Studies in Environmental Ethics. VKW: Bonn, 2016. 70 pp.
Two essays on the basics of a Biblical and Trinitarian basis of creation care and a Christian ecology are supplemented by an application towards the human rights to drinking water, ist need, ist history and its Christian endorsement.
- Koran und Bibel: Die zwei größten Religionen im Vergleich. SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2017; 2018 (enlarged edition, 7th and 8th of all editions).
[Quran and Bible] 7th edition, with a new chapter. Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- O defensor do amor: Martin Bucer como teólogo e pastor. Brasilia: Editora 371, 2018. 241 pp.
[Advocate of Love] Life and Theology of the reformer Martin Bucer, who is seen as a major model for Evangelicals.Portuguese translation.
- Κοράνιο Και Βίβλος: Οι μεγαλύτερες θρησκείες σε σύγκριση. Εκδόσεις Πέργαμος: Athen, 2018. 186 pp.
“Quran and Bible”, Greek translation
- Te Drejtat e Njeriut: Premtimi dhe Realiteti. Shtepia Botuese GEER: Tirana, 2018. 102 pp.
“Human Rights”, Albanian translation
- Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt. World of Theology Series 6. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
This study explains the difference between shame- and guiltoriented cultures and shows, that the ‘Biblical’ message emphasizes shame and guilt equally and thus can be applied to cultures in the West, the East, in modern and in Third World cultures.
- The Koran and the Bible. World of Theology Series 7. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
[Quran and Bible] 7th edition, with a new chapter. Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Advocate of Love – Martin Bucer as Theologian and Pastor: Achieving Unity Through Listening to the Scriptures and Each Other. World of Theology Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
Life and Theology of the reformer Martin Bucer, who is seen as a major model for Evangelicals.
- The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All: Towards a Theology of Martyrdom. The WEA Global Issues Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
70 thesis on persecution and martyrdom, written for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on behalf of the German and European Evangelical Alliance.
- Missio Dei: God’s Missional Nature. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
The trinitarian foundations of mission and missiology with three chapters: historical, exegetical and ecumenical studies (especially on the dividing ‘filioque’-discussion).
- Fundamentalismus jako militantní pravdivostní nárok: když se náboženství stane nebezpečným. Transl. by René Drápala. Praha : Návrat domů, s.r.o.: Praha, 2019. 118 pp.
[Fundamentalism] History of term, definition, examples from all religions.
- Trafikimi i Qënieve Njerëzore GEER: Tirana, 2019. 110 pp.
[Human Trafficking: The Return of Slavery] History and present situation of human trafficking including Europe, discusses legal and other reasons that prevent the fight against modern slavery.
- Udhëheqësia dhe Përgjegjësia Etike. GEER: Tirana, 2019. 160 pp.
[Leading in ethical responsibility] An introduction into ethics for economic and other leaders including a large selection of examples.
- Përkrahës i dashurisë – Martin Bucer si Teolog dhe Pastor. GEER: Tirana, 2019. 100 pp.
Life and Theology of the reformer Martin Bucer, who is seen as a major model for Evangelicals.
- Die Humanisierung der Sklaverei im Alten Testament. VKW: Bonn, 2019.
Several essays on slavery in the Old Testament and the history of Christians against slavery.
- Corruption: When Self-Interest Comes before the Common Good (with David Schirrmacher). Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2019.
This books gives specific examples from all branches of society locally and globally and then discusses the major tools to fight corruption.
- Studime mbi Udhëheqësinë e Kishës GEER: Tirana, 2019. 108 pp.
[Studies in Church Leadership – Albanian translation]
- The Oppression of Women: Violence – Exploitation – Poverty (with Christine Schirrmacher). 2020. 77 pp.
[Supressed Women: A Global Perspectives] A survey, of how and where women are still suppressed worldwide.
- Themele Biblike për Misionin Betëror të Shekullit 21: 69 Teza drejt një Reformacioni Global në vazhdim. VUSH: Tirana, 2022.
[Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission: 69 Theses Toward an Ongoing Global Reformation, Albanian.
- Kultura e turpit / Kultura e fajita: Zbatimi i Fjalës së Perëndisë në situata të ndryshme. VUSH: Tirana, 2022.
[Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt, Albanian]
- Kurani dhe Bibla. VUSH: Tirana, 2022.
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Fondamentalizmi: Kur Feja bëhet e rrezikshme. VUSH: Tirana, 2022.
[Quran and Bible, Albanian] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Paul in Conflict with the Veil: An Alternative Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2–16. Luviri Press: Mzuzu, Malawi, 2023.
(See commentary on first edition 2002.)
- Kritik der pluralistischen Religionstheologie und andere Beiträge zur Zusammengehörigkeit von Dialog und Mission. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 320 pp.
Critics different positions of being mission and dialogue against each other and argues for mission and dialogue to be possible and needed at the same time.
- There is More to Worship: A Plea for Liturgical Worship. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 120 pp.
An investigation into biblical proof texts for liturgical elements in Christian Sunday service.
- How do I know the will of God? VKW: Bonn, 2024. 128 pp.
Criticises the so called “inner leading of the Spirit”. Taken from ‘Ethik’.
- Der Römerbrief als Charta der Weltmission: Warum Dogmatik nur als Missionslehre gesund ist. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 113 pp.
[Romans as a Charter to World Mission]
- Rassismus: Alte Vorurteile und neue Erkenntnisse. (Nachdruck von 2009). VKW: Bonn, 2024. 119 pp.
[Racism] History and scientific errors of racism
- Menschenrechte: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. (Nachdruck von 2012). VKW: Bonn, 2024. 117 pp.
[Human Rights] Ethical arguments for human rights versus the present stage of the violation of human rights worldwide.
– – –
As editor (always with own contributions)
- Patrick Johnstone. Handbuch für Weltmission: Gebet für die Welt. Hänssler: Neuhausen, 19872, newest edition 19936 (together with Christine Schirrmacher). 811 pp.
[Handbook on World Mission] Adapted German version of ‚Operation World‘, a handbook and lexicon on the situation of Christianity and missions in every country of the world.
- Gospel Recordings Language List: Liste der Sprachaufnahmen in 4.273 Sprachen. Missiologica Evangelica 4. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1992. 120 pp.
List of 4273 languages in the world, in which evangelistic cassettes are available.
- „Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif“: Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche als Ziel der Mission. Edition afem: mission scripts 3. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1993. 134 pp.
[The Time of Conversion is Ripe: Rufus Anderson and The Independence of ] Articles by Schirrmacher and by theologians from the 19th century about Rufus Anderson, leading American missionary statesman, Reformed professor of missions and postmillennial theologian – together with the first translation of texts of Anderson into German.
- William Carey. Eine Untersuchung über die Verpflichtung der Christen [1792]. Edition afem: mission classics 1. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1993 (together with Klaus Fiedler). 100 pp.
[An Inquire into the Means …] First German translation of the book by the Calvinist Baptist William Carey of 1792, with which the age of modern Protestant world missions started.
- Bibeltreue in der Offensive: Die drei Chicagoerklärungen zur biblischen Unfehlbarkeit, Hermeneutik und Anwendung. Biblia et symbiotica 2. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 19931; 20002. 90 pp.
German translation of the three Chicago-Declarations on biblical inerrancy, hermeneutics and application.
- Im Kampf um die Bibel – 100 Jahre Bibelbund. Biblia et symbiotica 6. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1994 (together with Stephan Holthaus). 168 pp.
[The Batlle for the ‘Festschrift’ for 100 years of “Bibelbund”. Articles on biblical inerrancy and on the history of the major German organization fighting higher criticism, the “Bibelbund” (Bible League), and its theological journal “Bibel und Gemeinde”, edited by Schirrmacher 1988–1997.
- Eduard Böhl. Dogmatik. Hänssler Theologie. Hänssler: Neuhausen, 1995; 2nd ed.: Hamburg: RVB & Bonn: VKW, 2004. 508 pp.
[Dogmatic Theology] A Reformed Systematic Theology from the last century edited by Thomas Schirrmacher; with an lenghty introduction on Böhl’s life and work.
- Der evangelische Glaube kompakt: Ein Arbeitsbuch. Hänssler: Neuhausen, 1998; 2nd ed.: Hamburg: RVB & Bonn: VKW, 2004. 246 pp.
[The Protestant Faith in Nuce] German translation of the Westminster Confession of Faith, adapted and with commentary and changes in Presbyterian, Congregationalist and Baptist versions.
- Werden alle gerettet? Referate der Jahrestagung 1998 des AfeM (with Klaus W. Müller). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1998. 160 pp.
[Will All Be Saved?] The proceedings of a missiological consultation on the relationship between Christianity’s mission and other religions.
- The Right to Life for Every Person / Lebensrecht für jeden Menschen. Abortion – Euthanasia – Gen Technology: Proceedings of the 1st European Right to Life Forum Berlin, 1998. Abtreibung – Euthanasie – Gentechnik: Beiträge des 1. Europäischen Forums Lebensrecht Berlin, 1999 (with Walter Schrader, Hartmut Steeb). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 1999. 310 pp.
Basic articles on biomedical topics, includes reports on the prolife movements in most European countries.
- Kein anderer Name: Die Einzigartigkeit Jesu Christi und das Gespräch mit nichtchristlichen Religionen. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Peter Beyerhaus. Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft: Nürnberg, 1999. 470 pp.
[No Other Name: The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ …] Festschrift for Prof. Peter Beyerhaus, the leading evangelical authority on missions, ecumenical issues and on other religions and an evangelical elder statesmen. Covers all aspects of the realtionship of Christian faith to other religions.
- Missionswissenschaft im Zeichen der Erneuerung: Ehrengabe zum 70. Geburtstag von Peter Beyerhaus. Sonderausgabe = Evangelikale Missiologie 15 (1999) Heft 2 (together with Klaus W. Müller und Christof Sauer) (1999) afem.
Shorter version of the former Festschrift for mass distribution.
- Ausbildung als missionarischer Auftrag: Referate der Jahrestagung 1999 des AfeM (with Klaus W. Müller). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2000. 210 pp.
[Theological education as World Mission] Lectures on the relation of missions and theological education by leading representatives of theological schools, alternative programmes, missions and third world churches.
- Mission in der Spannung zwischen Hoffnung, Resignation und Endzeitenthusiasmus: Referate der Jahrestagung 2000 des AfeM (together with Klaus W. Müller). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2001. 240 pp.
Lectures on the relation of eschatology and missions in history and in present reality.
- Märtyrer 2001 — Christenverfolgung vor allem in islamischen Ländern (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2001. 140 pp.
[Martyrs 2001] Documentation on the present status of persecution of Christians in Islamic countries.
- Anwalt der Liebe – Martin Bucer als Theologe und Seelsorger: Zum 450. Todestag des Reformators. Jahrbuch des Martin Bucer Seminars 1 (2001). VKW: Bonn, 2001. 160 pp.
[Advocate of Love: Martin Bucer as Theologian and Counselor] Yearbook of the Martin Bucer Seminary on Life and Theology of the reformer Martin Bucer.
- Die vier Schöpfungsordnungen Gottes: Kirche, Staat, Wirtschaft und Familie bei Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Martin Luther. VTR: Nürnberg, 2001. 110 pp.
[The four Creation Orders] Three lengthy essays discuss the importance of the four major creation orders family, church, work and state in the Bible, and in the work of Martin Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
- Baumeister bleibt der Herr: Festgabe zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Bernd Schirrmacher (with Klaus Schirrmacher und Ingrid von Torklus). VKW: Bonn, 2001. 336 pp.
[God Stays the Master Builder] Festschrift for Thomas Schirrmacher’s father on his 80th birthday. Essays mainly concentrate on Christian education and Evangelical schools.
- A Life of Transformation: Festschrift for Colonel V. Doner. RVB International: Hamburg, 2001. 350 pp.
Festschrift for one of the giants of international Christian relief work and social involvement.
- Märtyrer 2002 — Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2002. 140 pp.
[Martyrs 2002] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians with special empahzise on Indoensia, Pakistan, Turkey and Vietnam.
- Patrick Johnstone. Gebet für die Welt. Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2003. 1010 pp.
[Prayer for the World] Adapted German version of ‚Operation World‘, a handbook and lexicon on the situation of Christianity and missions in every country of the world.
- Märtyrer 2003 — Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg). VKKW: Bonn, 2003. 180 pp.
[Martyrs 2003] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, featuring Kuba, Japan, North Kora, Vietnam.
- Wenn Kinder zu Hause zur Schule gehen (with Thomas Mayer). VTR: Nürnberg, 2004. 260 pp.
[When Children Go to School at Home] Documentation and scientific essays on homeschooling in Germany and Europe.
- Menschenrechte für Minderheiten in Deutschland und Europa: Vom Einsatz für die Religionsfreiheit durch die Evangelische Allianz und die Freikirchen im 19. Jahrhundert (with Karl Heinz Voigt). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2004. 120 pp.
[Human Rights for Minorities in Germany and Europe] Research articles on the history of the defence of religious freedom by the Evangelical Alliance in Germany and Great Britain in the 19th century.
- Herausforderung China: Ansichten, Einsichten, Aussichten: Eine Dokumentation von idea und China Partner (with Konrad Brandt). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2004. 214 pp.
[Challenge China] A collection of reports, lectures and opinion on the the situation of religions and the Christian faith in China, combining reports on persecution and reports on huge progress for public Christianity.
- Europa Hoffnung geben: Dokumentation (with Thomas Mayer). VTR: Nürnberg, 2004. 197 pp.
[To Give Hope to Europe] Lectures of a theological conference in Budapest by John-Warwick Montgomery, Thomas K. Johnstone, William Mikler, Bernhard Knieß on the future of Europe and how to defend the gospel of hope in Europe.
- Märtyrer 2004 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2004. 160 pp.
[Martyrs 2004] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, with two longer studies on the situation in Nigeria and Iran.
- Tabuthema Tod? Vom Sterben in Würde. (with Roland Jung, Frank Koppelin). Jahrbuch des Martin Bucer Seminars 4 (2004). VKW: Bonn, 2004. 220 pp.
[Death as Taboo?] 8 major Evangelical ethicists discuss topics around counseling serious ill and dying people, death, euthanasia, counseling to relatives.
- Mission verändert – Mission verändert sich / Mission Transformes – Mission is Transformed: Festschrift für Klaus Fiedler (with Christof Sauer). Nürnberg: VTR & Bonn: VKW, 2005. 572 pp.
Festschrift for African missionary and doyen of African and German mission history Klaus Fiedler.
- Märtyrer 2005 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2005. 170 pp.
[Martyrs 2005] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, featuring Nigeria, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey.
- Ein Maulkorb für Christen? Juristen nehmen Stellung zum deutschen Antidiskriminierungsgesetz und ähnlichen Gesetzen in Europa und Australien (with Thomas Zimmermanns). VKW: Bonn, 2005.
[A Muzzle for Christians?] Studies in religious hate laws, anti-discrimination laws and their influence on Christian communities.
- Scham- und Schuldorientierung in der Diskussion: Kulturanthropologische, missiologische und theologische Einsichten (with Klaus W. Müller). VTR: Nürnberg & VKW: Bonn, 2006.
[Shame- and Guiltorientation] A selection of experts from all continents on the difference between shame- and gulitoriented cultures and its implications for world missions.
- Familienplanung – eine Option für Christen? Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2006. 170 pp.
[Family Planing – An Option for Christians?] A Protestant view of family planing.
- Märtyrer 2006 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2006. 170 pp.
[Martyrs 2006] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on Iran, Iraq, Turkey and North Korea.
- Martin Bucer als Vorreiter der Mission. VKW: Bonn & VTR: Nürnberg, 2006. 110 pp.
[Martin Bucer as Forunner of World Mission] Essays from the 19th century to the present on Martin Bucer being the only Reformator arguing in favour of world mission.
- Märtyrer 2007 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2007. 200 pp.
[Martyrs 2007] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on India, Turkey, Iraq, Indonesia and Germany.
- HIV und AIDS als christliche Herausforderung 1: Grundsätzliche Erwägungen (with Kurt Bangert). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2008. 211 pp.
[HIV and AIDS as Christian Challenge 1: General Discussion] Essay on how the Christian church should react to HIV and AIDS and how it does react. Published together with World Vision Germany.
- HIV und AIDS als christliche Herausforderung 2: Aus der praktischen Arbeit (mit Kurt Bangert). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft: Bonn, 2008. 280 pp.
[HIV and AIDS as Christian Challenge 2: What Is Done and Can Be Done] Volume 2 of the same.
- Märtyrer 2008 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2008. 180 pp.
[Martyrs 2008] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Germany, Vietnam, Turkey.
New German edition of the first edition of John Calvins Institutes (1536) with lengthy introduction.
- Märtyrer 2009 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2009. 270 pp.
[Martyrs 2009] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on India, Eritrea, Yemen.
- Glaube nur im Kämmerlein? Zum Schutz religiöser Freiheitsrechte konvertierter Asylbewerber (with Friedemann Burkhardt). VKW/Idea: Bonn, 2009. 100 pp.
[Faith only in the Chamber?] The protection of religios freedom rights fro asylum seekers in Germany having converted from Islam to Christianity.
- Die Aufnahme verfolgter Christen aus dem Irak in Deutschland: Die Vorgeschichte eines ungewöhnlichen Beschlusses im Spiegel der Presse. VKW/Idea: Bonn, 2009. 130 pp.
[The entry of persecuted Christians from Iraq into Germany] Press articles during 2008 documenting the decision of the German government and the EU to accept thousands of Christians refugees from Iraq.
- Der Kampf gegen die weltweite Armut – Aufgabe der Evangelischen Allianz? Zur biblisch-theologischen Begründung der Micha-Initiative. (with Andreas Kusch). VKW/Idea: Bonn, 2009. 230 pp.
[The fight against poverty – task of the Evangelical Alliance?] Essays by theologians, missiologists, activists etc. in favour of the MICAH initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance.
- Tough-Minded Christianity: Honoring the Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery (with William Dembski). (2009) B&H Academic Publ.: Nashville (TN). 830 pp.
Large Festschrift with essays by many major Evangelical theologians and lawyers.
- Calvin and World Mission: Essays. VKW: Bonn, VTR: Nürnberg, 2009. 204 pp.
Collection of essays from 1882 to 2002.
- Märtyrer 2010 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2010. 200 pp.
[Martyrs 2010] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on China, India, Nigeria, Indonesia, and the German parliament and Catholic martyrology.
- Märtyrer 2011 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2011. 300 pp.
[Martyrs 2011] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on the Arab World, Egypt, Eritrea, Nigeria, China and Europe.
- Märtyrer 2012 – Das Jahrbuch zur Christenverfolgung heute (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2012. 300 pp.
[Martyrs 2012] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on the Nigeria, India, Indonesia, and on the sharia.
- Der Islam als historische, politische und theologische Herausforderung (with Christine Schirrmacher). VKW: Bonn, 2013. 186 pp.
[Islam as a historic, political and theological challenge] Yearbook of the Martin Bucer European school of Theology and Research Institutes – Essays from seven scholars.
- Gott – der Drei-Eine: Anstoß der Mission. (with Robert Badenberg, Friedemann Knödler). VKW: Bonn, 2012. 170 pp.
[Gott – The Triune: Origian of Mission] Plenaries and workshops of a consultation on the relationship of the doctrine of trinity to postmodern approaches to reach the Muslim world.
- Das Jahrbuch zur Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen heute – 2013 (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2013. 315 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians, concentrating on Egypt, Syria, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan, Laos and Africa.
- William Carey: Theologian – Linguist – Social Reformer. VKW: Bonn, 2013. 154 pp.
Five essays by major researchers on William Carey.
- The Humanisation of Slavery in the Old Testament. VKW: Bonn, 2014.
Several essays on slavery in the Old Testament and the history of Christians against slavery.
- Das Erwachen des Missionsgedankens im Protestantismus der Niederlande aus katholischen Quellen? Neuausgabe der Dissertation von Marius Galm (1915) und einer Entgegnung von Adriaan Goslinga (1922). VTR: Nürnberg & VKW: Bonn, 2014. 82 pp.
[The Awakening of Missionary Thinking in the Protestantism in the Netherlands out of Catholic Sources?] Reprint of a 1922 doctoral thesis and other texts and a modern itroduction.
- Das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen heute – 2014 (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch). VKW: Bonn, 2014. 320 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians.
- Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2014 (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2014. 154 pp.
[Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of adherents of all religions and general discussion of this human right, with special emphasis on Eritrea, Syria, Austria, Nigeria, and Islamism.
- Vergangenheit als Lernfeld: Kirchengeschichtsschreibung am Martin Bucer Seminar. VKW: Bonn, 2014. 362 pp.
[History as ground to learn: Church History research at Martin Bucer Seminary] 15 essays of major figures of church history researched by professors and students of Martin Bucer Seminary.
- Das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen heute – 2015 (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch) + Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2015 (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2015. 600 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom, with special emphasis on Iraq, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Indonesia the Yesidis, Bahai, the Alevites, the Ahmadiyya. With a section of essays on the genocide n the Armenians.
- Das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen heute – 2016 (with Max Klingberg and Ron Kubsch) + Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2016 (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2016. 600 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom, with special emphasis on Turkey, Pakistan, Burma, India, Indonesia, the Yesidis, Bahai, the Alevites, the Ahmadiyya.
- Divine Familial Terms Translation Procedures: Report and Recommendations by the independent WEA Global Review Panel 2013 and 2016. VKW: Bonn, 2016. 180 pp.
How should we translate divine family terms like “Son of God” in Bible translations in languages spoken mainly by Muslims?
- Das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen heute – 2017 (with Max Klingberg und Ron Kubsch) + Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2017 (with Max Klingberg). VKW: Bonn, 2017. 600 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom, with special emphasis on Iraq, Syria, Eritrea, Nigeria, Turkey, Myanmar, India.
- The Humanisation of Slavery in the Old Testament. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
- William Carey: Theologian – Linguist – Social Reformer. World of Theology Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018.
- Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2018 (with Max Klingberg and Martin Warnecke). VKW: Bonn, 2018.
- Jahrbuch Diskriminierung und Verfolgung von Christen 2018 (with Max Klingberg and Martin Warnecke). VKW: Bonn, 2018.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Integration, Multikulturalität und christliche Gemeinde: Referate der Jahrestagung 2017 des Evangelischen Forums für Mission, Kultur und Religion (with Meiken Buchholz). edition missiotop, mission reports 25. VTR: Nürnberg, 2018
[Integration, Multiculturalism and the Christian Church] These lectures and essays discuss the growing number of non-German speaking churches in Germany and how German evangelicalism and this multicultural movement can be integrated into each other.
- O defensor do amor: Martin Bucer como teólogo e pastor. Brasilia: Editora 371, 2018. 241 pp.
“Advocate of Love”, Portuguese translation
- Κοράνιο Και Βίβλος: Οι μεγαλύτερες θρησκείες σε σύγκριση. Εκδόσεις Πέργαμος. 2n Εκδόση: Athen, 2018. 2nd ed. 186 pp.
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Te Drejtat e Njeriut: Premtimi dhe Realiteti. Shtepia Botuese GEER: Tirana, 2018. 102 pp. (Albanian)
- Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission: 69 Theses Toward an Ongoing Global Reformation. VKW: Bonn, 2018.
- Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission: 69 Theses Toward an Ongoing Global Reformation. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018. (US-edition)
- The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All: Towards a Theology of Martyrdom. The WEA Global Issues Series 5. 3rd corrected ed. 156 pp. VKW: Bonn, 20183.
- Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt. World of Theology Series 6. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
This study explains the difference between shame- and guiltoriented cultures and shows, that the ‘Biblical’ message emphasizes shame and guilt equally and thus can be applied to cultures in the West, the East, in modern and in Third World cultures.
- The Koran and the Bible. World of Theology Series 7. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Advocate of Love – Martin Bucer as Theologian and Pastor: Achieving Unity Through Listening to the Scriptures and Each Other. World of Theology Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
- The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All: Towards a Theology of Martyrdom. The WEA Global Issues Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
- Missio Dei: God’s Missional Nature. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
- Hope for Europe: 66 Propositions. Preface by Frank Hinkelmann. 2nd amended ed. VTR: Nürnberg, 2018.
- The Humanisation of Slavery in the Old Testament. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
Several essays on slavery in the Old Testament and the history of Christians against slavery.
- William Carey: Theologian – Linguist – Social Reformer. World of Theology Series 5. Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR), 2018 (US-edition)
- Koran und Bibel: Die zwei größten Religionen im Vergleich. SCM Hänssler: Holzgerlingen, 2018 (2nd ed. of the expanded version 8th. ed. alltogether).
[Quran and Bible] Compares the differences between the Muslim of the Quran as the ‘Word of God’ and the Christian view of the Bible as the ‘Word of God’. A classic on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Die Freimaurer: Religion der Mächtigen? VTR: Nürnberg, 2018. 2nd expanded ed.
[The Freemasons: religion of the Powerful?] History of the Freemasons with an appendix comparing the beliefs of Freemasons and Christianity
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Max Klingberg, Martin Warnecke (ed.). Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit. 2018. VKW: Bonn, 2018. 246 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Max Klingberg (ed.). Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminerung von Christen 2018. VKW: Bonn, 2018. 440 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Die Humanisierung der Sklaverei im Alten Testament. VKW: Bonn, 2019.
Several essays on slavery in the Old Testament and the history of Christians against slavery.
- Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2019 (2019) VKW (with Max Klingberg and Martin Warnecke).
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Jahrbuch Diskriminierung und Verfolgung von Christen 2019 (with Max Klingberg and Martin Warnecke). VKW: Bonn, 2019.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Ethik. 8 Bde. 6. corrected ed. VTR: Nürnberg & RVB: Hamburg, 20206.
[Ethics] Major Evangelical ethics in German covering all aspects of general, special, personal and public ethics.
- Thomas K. Johnson, David Parker, Thomas Schirrmacher (ed.). In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Teaching the Trinity from the Creeds to Modern Discussion (2020) VKW: Bonn.
Essays on the trinity from Evangelical Review of Theology.
- Thomas K. Johnson, David Parker, Thomas Schirrmacher (ed.). In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Teaching the Trinity from the Creeds to Modern Discussion (2020) Wipf & Stock: Eugene (OR) (US-edition).
Essays on the trinity from Evangelical Review of Theology.
- Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2020 (with Martin Warnecke). VKW: Bonn, 2020.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Jahrbuch Diskriminierung und Verfolgung von Christen 2020 (with Martin Warnecke). VKW: Bonn, 2020.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Warnecke, Uwe Heimowski (ed.). Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2021. 577 pp. VKW: Bonn, 2021.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Warnecke, Uwe Heimowski (ed.). Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2021. VKW: Bonn, 2021.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians + Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom.
- “Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif”: Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche als Ziel der Mission. With contributions by Rufus Anderson, Theodor Christlieb, Josef Josenhans, Hermann Gundert. 3rd ed. 2022 (1993). 126 pp.
[The Time of Conversion is Ripe: Rufus Anderson and The Independence of …] Articles by Schirrmacher and by theologians from the 19th century about Rufus Anderson, leading American missionary statesman, Reformed professor of missions and postmillennial theologian – together with the first translation of texts of Anderson into German.
- Reuben Rensburg, Erdey Zoltan, Thomas Schirrmacher (ed.). “Be Focused … Use Common Sense … Overcome Excuses and Stupidity …”. Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Manfred Waldemar Kohl. 2022. 581 pp.
A collection of essays and articles around all aspects of theological education.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Lessenthin, Martin Warnecke (ed.). Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2022/23. VKW: Bonn, 2023. 269 pp.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians and a special emphasis on the history of genocide of Armenians and Greek Christians, and on Saudi Arabia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, China, Eritrea, and Turkey
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Lessenthin, Martin Warnecke (ed.). Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2022/23. VKW: Bonn, 2023. 248 pp. Pb.
[Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom with a special emphasis on on Iraq, Tibet, China, and Iran.
- Evangelical – Roman Catholic Dialogue: The official documents of the dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 157 pp.
The Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission (1977–1984) / Church, Evangelisation, and the Bonds of Koinonia (1993–2002) / Christian Witness in a Multi Religious World (2011) / Scripture and Tradition’ and ‘the Church in Salvation’ (2009–2016)
- Evangelikal – Römisch-Katholischer Dialog: Die offiziellen Dialogtexte der Gespräche zwischen der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche und der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 176 pp.
German edition of the same book.
- The World is Ripe for Conversion: Rufus Anderson and the Self-Reliance of the Church (eas the Goal of Mission: A Contribution to the History of the Three-Self-Principle. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 131 pp. Pb.
Articles by Schirrmacher and by theologians from the 19th century about Rufus Anderson, leading American missionary statesman, Reformed professor of missions and postmillennial theologian – together with the first translation of texts of Anderson into German.
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Lessenthin, Martin Warnecke (ed.). Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2024. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 166 pp. Pb.
[Yearbook on the discrimination and persecution of Christians] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of persecution of Christians and a special emphasis Syria, Eritrea, Egypt, Armenia, Sudan, Vietnam Algeria, Nepal, and India
- Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Lessenthin, Martin Warnecke (ed.). Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2024. VKW: Bonn, 2024. 378 pp. Pb.
[Yearbook on religious freedom] Yearbook with documentation of the present status of religious freedom with a special emphasis on research methods and on Tibet, Morocco, Bahrain, Syria, Iran, and Myanmar.