Elmer Thiessen, Thomas Schirrmacher. “An Evangelical View of Proselytism”. pp. 308–320 in: John Baxter-Brown (Hg.). Call to Mission and Perceptions of Proselytism. Pickwick Publ.: Eugene (OR), 2022. 363 pp. ISBN 978-1-5326-5877-8

The book also prints pp. 182–188 the 2011 document “Christian Witness in a multi-religious World” and pp. 154–157 a short section from the 2003 Koinonia document from the theological dialogue between the Vatican and WEA.

The article by Elmer Thiessen and Thomas Schirrmacher went back to speeches they gave at a conference on proselytism organized by the Global Christian Forum in Accra, Ghana, in 2017, was originally published in the Evangelical Review of Theology. (Download of part of the book.)

About the book

“These essays bravely address the controversial subject of proselytism, and do so from the widest spectrum of global perspectives and Christian traditions. This is no small accomplishment. The Global Christian Forum is delighted to have initiated this global conversation, and even more excited to see these papers in print. They are sure to be a valuable resource for the church worldwide as we work to engage faithfully in mission, while also honoring the diversity of the Christian family.”

—Casely B. Essamuah, Secretary of Global Christian Forum, May 2020

“With his book, John Baxter-Brawn takes the reader on an instructive and fascinating journey through a unique collection of studies and documents on mission, evangelism, and proselytism, reviewing different Christian traditions as well as the achievements of many ecumenical dialogues. The book renders an invaluable service to global Christianity by expanding horizons, helping to break stereotypes, promoting mutual understanding, and inviting all believers to witness with one voice to Jesus, the only Savior of all people.”

—Andrzej Choromanski, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

“The Global Christian Forum, a joint endeavor by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the World Council of Churches, the World Evangelical Alliance, and the Pentecostal World Fellowship, authorized a global discussion process dealing with one of the most pressing ecumenical issues, sloppily called ‘sheep stealing.’ Within this fruitful process, we all entrusted John Baxter-Brown to gather relevant documents around the topic. . . . All churches worldwide owe him a big thank you!”

—Thomas Schirrmacher, Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance

“This diverse collection of important works on the themes of mission and proselytism should become a standard textbook in seminary and postgraduate courses around the globe. No other volume exists that displays the richness of ecclesial traditions and global contexts represented here. This book shows the complexities, challenges, and joys that all Christians must consider as we examine the character and practice of our witness to Christ.”

—Rosalee Velloso Ewell, Director of Church Relations, United Bible Societies

“We have here an excellent reader that gathers important statements on mission and proselytism from the different church bodies and then carries the discussion forward by including a number of highly relevant articles by competent authors that bring the issues at stake to the grassroots.”

—Jean-Daniel Pluss, Chair of the European Pentecostal/Charismatic Research Association

About the editor

John Baxter-Brown is a peripatetic lecturer and teacher, as well as a consultant and carpenter. Previously he has led mission organisations in the UK, and worked for several global Christian organisations including the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance. His primary vocation is that of an evangelist, but he is a committed ecumenist and theologian. His research and writing interests include children and young people in mission, and the theology and practice of evangelism. He has taught in numerous colleges and universities in the UK and elsewhere.