Thomas Schirrmacher receives the 55th birthday letter in a row since 1967 from the deaconesses of Lachen

Since 1967 every year the deaconesses from Lachen write a birthday letter or postcard to Thomas Schirrmacher, paying and blessing for him. This one of 2022 is the 55th in a row.

Schirrmacher dedicated his live to Jesus Christ at a camp of the Protestant Deaconesses’ Motherhouse (Diakonissen-Mutterhaus) in Lachen, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany, one of the major wine areas of Germany. In 2017, he thanked the two deaconesses who looked after him at that time and explained the gospel to him by preaching in their congregation on his 50th spiritual birthday.

The congregation of the Diakonissenmutterhaus Lachen belongs to the Deutscher Gemeinschafts-Diakonieverband based in Marburg, Germany (German Fellowship – Diaconal Federation), which in turn belongs to the Evangelischen Gnadauer Gemeinschaftsverband based in Kassel, Germany (Evangelical Gnadauer Community), the largest Evangelical network within the former Protestant state churches in Germany.
