v. l.: Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Leupold, Sindy Sunshine, Harald Stollmeier, Tabea Freitag, Gerhard Schönborn, Frank Heinrich
Podium discussion in connection with the release of Shelley Lubben’s book “Truth behind the Fantasy of Porn: The Greatest Illusion on Earth”
(Bonn, 24.10.2016) Although voices raised regarding the devastating consequences of the pornography boom have increased, it is still taboo to speak about the negative consequences of the sexual revolution and the pornography industry. Sociologist and ethicist Thomas Schirrmacher advanced this view upon the presentation of the German translation of the book Truth behind the Fantasy of Porn by the former porn star Shelley Lubben. The event took place at the Mittelpunkt-Café in central Berlin (Luisenstraße) near the German Parliament (Bundestag), with invitations having been extended by the publishing house Ruhland Verlag and the association Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V. (an association working against human trafficking; translation: Together against Human Trafficking).
Schirrmacher commented that ‘political correctness’ demands that any trace of criticism of pornography be dismissed as emanating from someone living in the past, although the chorus of critics is becoming larger and larger. The porn industry, with its billions in revenues, rejoices in this political correctness. As proof, Schirrmacher cited four very recent publications:
1. “Increased numbers of recent studies have shown: From a statistical point of view, the frequency of sexual encounters has noticeably diminished in the Western world and the frequency of autosexuality (masturbation) in proportion to pornographic depictions has greatly increased. The sexual revolution has killed that which was earlier referred to as the only type of ‘sex,’ namely paired sexuality.”
2. “A compilation of all available studies has already shown that there is a close correlation between high consumption of internet pornography and a rapid increase in potency disorders (medically referred to as ‘erectile dysfunction’) in individuals under 40 years of age. Again: Pornography kills sex. Increasing numbers of young people cannot ‘do it’ without pornography.”
3. “Only as regards contraception does one find that parents provide their children with sex education. A real discussion does not take place any more frequently than in earlier generations. Instead, parents point to schools, teenage magazines, and pornographic depictions on the internet. “You can find out there how it works.” With this, they point to what is dominant in internet pornography: sexual violence, sex without condoms, contempt for women, etc. That is ‘sex education’ for many teenagers. According to surveys by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, more than 50% of male youths report that the internet is their most frequent or sole source of information when it comes to sexual topics.”
4. “And finally, the number of dropouts warning the public is growing. In recent days Pamela Anderson of all people, together with a rabbi, has just labeled the consumption of pornography – and along with that her own life – a big mistake and has called upon society to turn away from pornography. Shelley Lubben got out of pornography earlier, and there are increasing numbers of people opting out of the pornography industry who are making accusations.”

v. l.: Kaarina Horn, Sindy Sunshine, Frank Heinrich, Thomas Schirrmacher, Martin Leupold, Gerhard Schönborn, Tabea Freitag, Harald Stollmeier
The following participated in the subsequent podium discussion moderated by Ruhland Verlag’s Harald Stollmeier:
- Frank Heinrich, Member of the Bundestag, Primary Chairman of Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher
- Gerhard Schönborn, Chairman Neustart e.V.
- Martin Leupold, Managing Director Weißes Kreuz e.V.
- Sindy Sunshine
- Tabea Freitag, psychological psychotherapist
Frank Heinrich pointed to the close link between forced prostitution and forced participation in pornographic films. The cheaper both have to be, the higher the number of those recruited through the use of criminal methods and held in forced prostitution.
The publisher wrote the following regarding the book:
“Shelley Lubben was a porno star. Then she found a new way out. And now she is telling her story. Porno films generate unbelievable revenues; they entertain, they tempt, they intoxicate. However, behind the scenes, dreams do not become true. Rather, nightmares become true. In her book, now available in German, Lubben tears off pornography’s seductive mask and shows the hardcore truth behind the ‘greatest illusion on earth.’”
Downloads and Links:
- About Shelley Lubben
- On erectile dysfunction
- Also on this topic:
- everday Health: Erection Problems? This Habit May Be Why
- Men’s Journal: Are You Watching Too Much Porn?
- Your Brain on Porn: Studies linking porn use or porn/sex addiction to sexual dysfunctions, lower arousal, and lower sexual & relationship satisfaction