Westminster Theological Seminary published a massive volume on it’s own involvement in the discussion about the doctrine of Scripture:
Peter A. Lillback, Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. (ed.) Thy Word Is Still Truth: Essential Writings on the Doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to Today. 1392 pp. P & R Pub: Philadelphia (PA), 2013, publishers page: here.
Here is my endorsement you will find in the front pages of the book:
“Even though the Reformation started with Luther’s return to the Bible as the highest authority in the Church, and even though the doctrine of the infallibility of Scripture has been taught in all evangelical confessions and denominations and its development has been influenced by people from many confessions, it was the Reformed doctrine of Scripture, spreading from Switzerland, that became central to the evangelical positions through the centuries, both by means of terminology and manner of defense. For example Calvin’s application of the inner witness of the Holy Spirit to the doctrine of Scripture, declaring that the final evidence for Scripture as the Word of God comes from the author, the Holy Spirit, directly to the believers heart, has been central in the Evangelical movement and balanced any impersonal approach to hermeneutics. No wonder then, that Reformed seminaries have been at the forefront of formulating, developing, and defending the doctrine of Scripture. I am glad that Westminster Theological Seminary – Philadelphia takes the lead again by gathering 500 hundred years of good tradition, proving how the old truth has been applied to ever new ages again and again.”
Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. Phil. DD Thomas Schirrmacher, Chair of the Theological Commission of World Evangelical Alliance; President, Martin Bucer Theological Seminary (Bonn, Zurich, Innsbruck, Prague, Istanbul, São Paulo)
See original here.
This is what James I. Packer writes in the same pages:
“A massive array of extracts from major writers over five centuries, demonstrating both the breadth, strength, clarity, humility, and rootedness of international Reformed bibliology according to its historic confessional self-understanding, and also the insightful energy with which Westminster’s own scholars have labored to vindicate the Reformed position as catholic Christian truth. The book excels as a resource for study and a witness to Westminster’s integrity.”
James I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia
The book contains contributions by Oswald T. Allis, William Ames, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, Henry Bullinger, John Calvin, Edmund P. Clowney, William Cunningham, Raymond B. Dillard, Jonathan Edwards, Sinclair B. Ferguson, John M. Frame, Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Louis Gaussen, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Archibald Alexander Hodge, Charles Hodge, John Knox, Peter A. Lillback, Martin Luther, J. Gresham Machen, Adolphe Monod, John Murray, John Owen, Vern S. Poythress, Moisés Silva, Charles H. Spurgeon, Ned B. Stonehouse, Francis Turretin, Zacharias Ursinus, Cornelius Van Til, Geerhardus Vos, Bruce K. Waltke, Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Robert Dick Wilson, John Witherspoon, Edward J. Young, and Ulrich Zwingli
- Table of content (PDF)
- Sample chapters (PDF)
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