A collection of essays published under edition afem upon the anniversary of Calvin’s Birth
(Bonn, 23.12.2009) Calvin not only had the global proclamation of the message of God’s grace in view. He also sent the first missionaries to Brazil. It is not by accident that churches in countries influenced by the Reformed faith such as The Netherlands, Scotland, England or, more recently, South Korea have played a leading role in world missions. That is at any rate the essence of a collection of 16 research articles drawn from the last 125 years of work conducted on Calvin’s view of missions.
The volume, which in large part contains articles written in English, appears in the ‘mission classics’ series published under the edition afem by the task force for Evangelical missiology. It appears as a co-production of the VTR Publications (Nuremberg) and the VKW Culture and Science Publ. (Bonn). With the release of this volume at the end of the year commemorating Calvin’s birth, Martin Bucer Seminary and afem present a reminder that John Calvin was also a guide for and planner of Evangelical missions.
A similar collection of essays addressing the relationship between world missions and Martin Bucer already appeared in German in 2006 under edition afem with the title Martin Bucer als Vorreiter der evangelischen Mission (Martin Bucer as a Forerunner of Protestant Missions).
Bibliographical Details:
Thomas Schirrmacher (ed.). Calvin and World Mission: Essays. 2009. 204 pp. Pb. 18,00 €. ISBN 978-3-938116-84-5 (VKW), ISBN 978-3-941750-20-3 (VTR)
Thomas Schirrmacher (ed.). Martin Bucer als Vorreiter der evangelischen Mission. 2006. 110 pp. Pb. 9,80 € (D), 10,10 € (A), 18,50 SFr. ISBN 978-3-938116-22-7 (VKW), ISBN 978-3-937965-57-4 (VTR)
Calvin and World Mission Cover as a jpg file
Impressum, Table of Contents and Introduction as a pdf file
Martin Bucer as Vorreiter der evangelischen Mission Cover as a jpg file
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- The book can be ordered in Germany from local bookstores or online at www.genialebuecher.de or www.amazon.de.
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