The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance met the Serjeant-at-Arms of the British House of Commons

Ugbana Oyet in his official vesture including the sword. Source: Sophie Chew, Wikipedia

On the evening of the day, on which Boris Johnson resigned as head of the Conservative party, Thomas Schirrmacher discussed the future of the British parliamentary system and of the danger of parliamentary systems world wide with the most neutral representative of the British lower chamber, Mr Ugbana Oyet, Serjeant-at-Arms of the British House of Commons, wo ceremonial opens every sitting of the House of Commons and is in charge of the security force protecting it. Mr Oyet is the first Black Serjeant-at-Arms. He was born in Nigeria in 1976 and moved to the United Kingdom with his family in 1991 and became a British chartered engineer. He began working at Parliament in 2012 as Parliament’s Principal Electrical Engineer and led efforts to make the parliamentary estate carbon neutral. Oyet was appointed as Serjeant-at-Arms in October 2019. He is married to Claire. They have four children, three sons and a daughter.

Mr Oyet urged Schirrmacher to proceed with World Evangelical Efforts on several levels, to defend the liberty of Christians in his country of birth and to enlarge efforts to make known to the Christian and the general public, that Nigeria and West Africa are becoming more and more the center of violence against Christians and of killing people because of the faith and has superseded the Middle East for long.