The transcript of Obama’s speech against human trafficking (which I recommended to listen to in my last blog yesterday) has now been posted at the White House webpage (see here).
The President especially mentions the Evangelicals and the Catholic Church in their fight against human trafficking (and their historic fight for abolition), a great joy and affirmation. Here are his exact words:
“We are especially honored to be joined today by advocates who dedicate their lives — and, at times, risk their lives — to liberate victims and help them recover. This includes men and women of faith, who, like the great abolitionists before them, are truly doing the Lord’s work — evangelicals, the Catholic Church, International Justice Mission and World Relief, even individual congregations, like Passion City Church in Atlanta, and so many young people of faith who’ve decided that their conscience compels them to act in the face of injustice. Groups like these are answering the Bible’s call — to “seek justice” and “rescue the oppressed.” Some of them join us today, and we are grateful for your leadership.”