The WEA Secretary General is informed by Anglican bishops about the religious freedom situation in Egypt

from left to right: Anthony Ball, Samy Fawzy Shehata, Thomas Schirrmacher © WEA/Thomas Schirrmacher

The Secretary General spends a long time in discussion with Samy Fawzy Shehata, Anglican Bishop Co-Adjutor of the Diocese of Egypt and the newly formed Anglican Province of Alexandria (inlacing Egypt, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa) , and his suffragan bishop and canon lawyer Anthony Ball, also Rector of St Margaret’s Church, the small church beside Westminster Abbey once used as the church of the House of Commons.

Schirrmacher had asked for an in-depth analysis of all kind of aspects of religious life, religious liberty and the relation between different churches in Egypt.

The first discussion between Schirrmacher and Shehata took place three weeks earlier on July 7, 2022, in the Traveller’s Club on invitation of Archbishop of London and the Papal Legate of the Coptic Orthodox Church, His Eminence Angaelos.

from left to right: Angealos, Shehata,Schirrmacher in London © Martin Warnecke

The Right Reverend Samy Fawzy Shehata became Bishop Co-Adjutor in 2020. Ordained a deacon in 1990 and a priest in 1991, Bp. Samy served as a curate in Alexandria before becoming the bishop’s chaplain. He has since served as rector of a parish, dean of St. Mark’s Pro-Cathedral, principal of the Alexandria School of Theology, and area bishop of North Africa in the Diocese of Egypt. Bp. Samy earned a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from Cairo University (1985), a diploma in theology from University of Wales (1991), and an M.A. and Th.D. in theology from the University of Birmingham (1998 and 2002).

Bishop Shehate has also played an active role in the Global South Anglican movement, which challenges the Anglican Communion around questions relating to sexality, and served on its Study Group on Enhancing Ecclesial Responsibility.

The Primate of the ACNA, the Most Rev. Foley Beach, who served as one of Bishop Shehata’s co-consecrators in 2017 told Anglican Ink: “Bishop Samy is a true man of God with a heart and compassion for the truth and for God’s people. He has been a tremendous partner in Gospel ministry, and I look forward to serving with him as he takes on this new role of service in God’s Church.”

Archbishop Shehate receives a cross from the Archbishop of Canterbury © WEA/Thomas Schirrmacher

The Right Reverend Anthony Ball AnthonyBall is Rector of St Margaret’s. Previously he was Rector of Worth, Pound Hill and Maidenbower in West Sussex. He was born and lived for many years in Southern Africa. After studying at the University of Durham, he joined the Diplomatic Service. He had overseas postings in the Middle East and Spain during which time he was ordained as a priest. His last posting was in Damascus where, in addition to his work in the British Embassy and as the Anglican Chaplain, he was the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Heads of the Orthodox Churches in Syria and Lebanon. From there he moved to join Archbishop Rowan Williams’ staff at Lambeth Palace where he variously held responsibility for advising on Anglican Communion, Ecumenical, Inter Religious and International relations and served as the Archbishop’s Chaplain.

In November 2021, Canon Anthony Ball was been appointed Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Egypt, with responsibilities across the new Episcopal/Anglican Province of Alexandria. The province, named after the north Egyptian city which was home to one of the earliest branches of the Christian Church, serves ten countries: Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Chad, Mauritania, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia.

The Church of St Margaret, Westminster, is in the grounds of Westminster Abbey on Parliament Square, London, England. It forms part of a single World Heritage Site with the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey.