Albanian President life member of the Royal Ghassanid Academy of Arts and Science
Text on the certificate

The Albanian President receiving the life membership of the Royal Academy from Thomas Schirrmacher, with HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII and Sheikh Selim El Chemor.
„Presented to His Excellency Bujar Nishani (Albania) in recginitoion and certification of being elected an honorary life member of The Royal Academy for outstanding achievement and promotion of the arts and sciences as a champion of religious freedom and interreligious harmony, especially between Muslims and Christians, as unrelinquishable values of European democracies.“
See certificate in the photo.
Royal Family officially received by Albanian President
Press release from the website of the Royal House
HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII, head of the Royal House of Ghassan and members of the Ghassanid Royal Family were officially received by Albanian President Bujar Nishani at the presidential palace in Tirana. The president received the Order of Saint Michael Archangel and invited the Royal Family for an exclusive lunch.
The president also received the lifetime membership for the Royal Ghassanid Academy of Arts and Sciences, presided by Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Schirrmacher. The Royal House was represented by Prince Gharios El Chemor, Sheikh Selim El Chemor, Sheikh Dr. Elie Gharios, Prof. Thomas Schirrmaher, Martin Warnecke and Erion Prendi recently appointed the official representative for the Royal House in Albania.
Albanian: President Nishani received Prince Gharios El-Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’Man VIII
English translation of the official statement on the website of the Presidential Palace of Albania
The President of the Republic, His Excellency Bujar Nishani, hosted a special meeting with Prince Ghao-rios El-Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’Man VIII and Bishop Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Thomas Schirrmacher, associate secretary general of the World Evangelical Alliance and the accompanying delegation, who are conducting a cognitive visit to Albania with a view to promoting religious harmony and coexistence in Albania.

The Albanian President with the delegation from the Royal House of Ghassan
President Nishani praised the work of the Ghassanide Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences to promote religious coexistence in the world, as well as the academic tools used to fight stereotypes and religious and ethnic prejudices that exist today in different parts of the globe. „Presenting the values of Christianity in the Middle East region and Islam in the West is a serious effort to strengthen understanding and avoid prejudice,“ said President Nishani.
The Head of State acquainted the guests with the centuries-old Albanian experience of harmony, peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among representatives of various religious beliefs, emphasizing that this is reflected in both everyday life and family relations, as well as in all state structures, central or local. The President of the Republic also stressed that Albanians and Albanian institutions preserve and promote this very important value, inheriting generations of generations and consider it one of the central pillars of the Albanian nation.
During the meeting and a special ceremony, the Head of State was honoured with the Holy Orders of St. Michael the Archangel and he was handed over the membership certificate of the Royal Ghassanide Academy of Art and Science.
The guests praised the Albanian experience and expressed the interest to continue the cooperation with the Albanian institutions in terms of spreading the spirit of tolerance, understanding, harmony and religious coexistence.
Albanian: Presidenti Nishani priti Princin Gharios El-Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’Man VIII
Original official statement on the website of the Presidential Palace of Albania
Presidenti i Republikës, Sh.T.Z. Bujar Nishani priti në një takim të veçantë Princin Gharios El-Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’Man VIII si dhe Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Thomas Schirrmacher, zëvendës/sekretar i përgjithshëm i Aleancës Evangjeliste si dhe delegacionin që i shoqëronte, i cili po zhvillon një vizitë njohëse në Shqipëri me synim promovimin e harmonisë dhe bashkëjetesës fetare në Shqipëri.
Presidenti Nishani vlerësoi punën e Akademisë Mbretërore Ghassanide të Artit dhe Shkencave për promovimin e bashkëjetesës fetare në botë, si dhe mjetet akademike të përdorura për luftën ndaj steriotipeve dhe paragjykimeve fetare e etnike që ekzistojnë sot në zona të ndryshme të globit. “Prezantimi i vlerave të krishterimit në rajonin e Lindjes së Mesme dhe të islamit në perëndim, përbën një përpjekje serioze në drejtim të forcimit të mirëkuptimit dhe shmangies së paragjykimeve.” – u shpreh Presidenti Nishani.
Kreu i Shtetit i njohu bashkëbiseduesit me eksperiencën shumëshekullore shqiptare të harmonisë, bashkëjetesës paqësore e të respektit reciprok mes përfaqësuesve të besimeve të ndryshme fetare, duke theksuar se kjo gjë reflektohet si në jetën e përditshme e marrëdhëniet familjare, ashtu edhe në të gjitha strukturat shtetërore e qeverisëse, qendrore apo vendore. Presidenti i Republikës theksoi gjithashtu, se shqiptarët dhe institucionet shqiptare e ruajnë dhe promovojnë këtë vlerë shumë të rëndësishme, duke e trashëguar brez pas brezi dhe e konsiderojnë një prej shtyllave qendrore të kombit shqiptar.
Gjatë takimit dhe me një ceremoni të veçantë, Kreu i Shtetit u vlerësua me Urdhrin e Shenjtë të Shën Mihael Kryeëngjëllit si dhe iu dorëzua çertifikata e anëtarësisë në Akademinë Mbretërore Ghassanide të Artit dhe Shkencave.
Bashkëbiseduesit vlerësuan eksperiencën shqiptare, si dhe shprehën interesin për të vijuar bashkëpunimin me institucionet shqiptare në drejtim të përhapjes së frymës së tolerancës, të mirëkuptimit, harmonisë e të bashkëjetesës fetare.
- The Albanian President receiving the life membership of the Royal Academy from Thomas Schirrmacher, with HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII and Sheikh Selim El Chemor.
- The Albanian President with the delegation from the Royal House of Ghassan
- The Albanian President thanks for receiving the life membership of the Royal Academy from Thomas Schirrmacher, with HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII and Sheikh Selim El Chemor.
- The Albanian President receiving the life membership of the Royal Academy from Thomas Schirrmacher, with HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII and Sheikh Selim El Chemor.
- Honorary wistband with seal of Albanian President for Thomas Schirrmacher
- Photo taken to early :=)
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