In Cape Verde, ISHR leaders met with President, Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, and other top leaders

The President of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Paul Schirrmacher, and the ISHR Secretary General, Matthias K. Böhning, expressed their gratitude for the many opportunities for discussion in Cape Verde.

During their visit, the two human rights activists were able to see for themselves the positive development of the country and noted with pride that Cape Verde has developed into a strong parliamentary democracy.

Schirrmacher and Böhning also found the many discussions with politicians and dignitaries from Cape Verde a privilege. Among the interlocutors were President José Maria Neves and First Lady Débora Katísa, Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva, the Speaker of Parliament Austelino Tavares Correia and the President of the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship of Cape Verde (CNDHC), Eurídice Mascarenhas, Bishop Cardinal Arlindo Gomes Furtado and Archbishop Waldemar Stanisław Sommertag. The following picture gallery gives an insight into the trip and the meetings.


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