The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) speaks at High-Level Opening Session of the Faith for Earth Dialogue at the United Nations Environment Assembly 5.2.
After the world Evangelical Alliance (WEA) was represented by Dr Chris Elisara as the first speaker in the first session of the Faith for Earth Dialogue at the United Nations Environment Assembly 5.2., Thomas Schirrmacher represented WEA in “High-Level Opening Session“. He was introduced by Inger Andersen, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNEP. Other speakers included Cardinal Peter Turkson from the Vatican, Dr Azza Karam, General Secretary of Religions for Peace, and Rabbi David Rosen of the American Jewish Committee, International Director of Interreligious Affairs. The whole session is documented in full under YouTube:
Altogether Schirrmacher will have three speaking engagements in the Faith for Earth Dialogue February 21 – March 4, documented in the attached program. The last one will be in the real world in Nairobi.

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