Schirrmacher shows the Pope the cover of the German version of the book “Coffee Breaks with the Pope” © BQ/Warnecke
At a meeting of Evangelical and Pentecostal leaders from the USA with Pope Francis, the Chairman of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, presented Pope Francis his new book in German “Coffee Breaks with the Pope: My Encounters with Francis.”
The Pope, who speaks German, reacted to the book cover with the words:
“Coffee breaks with the Pope, that’s funny, but apt. What is important, however, is that you continue to pray for me every day.”
The book contains over 100 photos, some in color. The book also contains numerous photos released for the book by the papal photographer.

The Pope answers questions. Standing next to him is Cardinal Koch © BQ/Warnecke
The meeting was attended by members of two major theological discussion forums that exist between Evangelicals and Catholics in the USA. Among them was the Canadian Geoff Tunnicliffe, former general secretary of the WEA and currently chairman of the Christian Media Cooperation in the USA. The occasion was a round for questions of almost three hours in which the Pope answered unprepared, sometimes very critical, questions by visitors from the USA.

Thomas Schirrmacher and Geoff Tunnicliffe with the Pope © BQ/Warnecke
At the request of the Pope, two Europeans, Giovanni Traettino, pastor of a Pentecostal congregation in Caserta, and Thomas Schirrmacher participated in the meeting. During a worship service in Traettino’s congregation in Caserta in July 2014, the Pope apologized to all Pentecostals for persecution by Catholics and called upon all Catholics not to call Pentecostals sectarians anymore.
On the Pope’s side, only Kurt Cardinal Koch took part as President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Church Unity (PCPCU). Schirrmacher had initially had a conversation with Koch about the future of collaboration between the PCPCU and the World Evangelical Alliance and had agreed upon further meetings with the Pontifical Council and further visits to Pope Francis.