The Bonn Publishing house Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft (Culture and Science Publ.) has published a new volume on the background of the theocracy in Iran.
Iran 1979: When the Shah was deposed, the form of government changed from a monarchy to an Islamic Republic. This study explains the main reasons for the transformation from a secular monarchy to a theocracy and describes the significant developments which led to a situation where the founder of the Islamic Republic, the Ayatollah Khomeini, was able to establish the Islamic state with the support of the population. The various factors which promoted its success are explained. Khomeini’s concept of legal scholars’ governorship, which is the political system in effect up to the present day, is then illustrated.
The author, Esther Schirrmacher, B.A., is a master student at the University of Bonn in the Department of Islamic Studies and Languages of the Near East and is a student assistant in a project entitled “History and Society of the Mamluk Era (1250-1517)” in the Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg at the University of Bonn. In addition, she is studying theology at the Martin Bucer Seminary in Bonn. She has learned numerous languages of the Islamic world, among them Persian, completed language courses in the Near East, and has traveled in more than 50 countries that she describes in her travel blog
Bibliographical information:
- Esther Schirrmacher. Vom Schah-Regime zu Khomeinis Islamischer Republik: Ursachen des Wandels von der Monarchie zur Theokratie in Iran 1979 (Translation of the title: From the Shah’s Regime to Khomeini’s Islamic Republic: Causes of the 1979 Transformation from Monarchy to Theocracy in Iran). 2017. 83 pp. €12.80. ISBN 978-3-86269-136-4. Disputationes religionum orbis [Investigations of the Religions of the World] Sectio O: Orient et Occident – ISSN 0938-6866, Vol. 6.
Most recently published in the Series:
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- Vol. 5: Igor Pochoshajew. Der frühe Andalus: Religionsgeschichtliche Studien (Translation of the Title: Early Andalus: Religious-Historical Studies. 2008. 96 pp. € 15.80. ISBN 978-3-938116-60-9
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