In his lecture, Thomas Schirrmacher underlined, that mission is the essence of the church and that WEA was started in 1846 to assure that the preaching of the gospel unites us in a away, that we can present the one gospel to the world, not a cacophony of hundreds of denominational and other versions. Even though there are good reasons for the Mission Commission (MC) of WEA as part of the Global Witness Department to offer a platform for missions societies and experts around the globe, by its very nature it overlaps and is connected to anything else WEA does. He especially pointed to the fact, that the “Great Commission“ ends with Jesus’ words “and teach them ALL, I have commanded you”. He appreciated, that the list of synergists proves this, as those synergists often are involved as bridges between MC and other department ministries of WEA.
The “MC Leaders‚ Forum” includes the Global Leadership Council of the MC as the governance body), the Lead Cohort (Director and Deputy Leaders), and the Synergists (leaders responsible for missions issues).