The two Yearbooks 2017 addressing the Discrimination and Persecution of Christians and Freedom of Religion were presented to Pope Francis and Pope em. Benedict XVI.
As every year, the Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom and International President of the International Society for Human Rights presented the two German Yearbooks on Religious Freedom (Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2017) and the Yearbook on the Persecution and Discrimination of Christians (Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2017) to Pope Francis personally.
Archbishop Georg Gänswein received a copy for himself and for Pope em. Benedict XVI. Bishop Schirrmacher also handed copies to Kurt Cardinal Koch, Peter Cardinal Turkson and the new Prefect of the Congregation of Faith, Archbishop Luis Ladaria.
Pope Francis, who can read German, has now received the yearbooks for the fifth time. Pope Benedict has received the books for years and asked to continue to receive the books after his resignation.
The yearbooks are published by the International Society for Human Rights and the International Institute for Religious Freedom together with the three German speaking Evangelical Alliances of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
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