Theological News 4/2020 is published
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly news sheet, is published and can be downloaded as PDF.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Union of Victims’ Associations of Communist Tyranny e.V. (UOKG), the Human Rights Center Cottbus (MRZ), the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) and the Memorial Foundation Victims of Communism (VIC) organized a tribunal on “Forced Labor in Political Prison in the GDR”.
Thomas Schirrmacher informs European Platform for Religious Freedom as its Chair and the UN-Special Rapporteur about his change as Secretary General of WEA
At the annual meeting of the “International Committee” of the Global Christian Fo-rum (GCF) the GCF gave broad support to its Youth Com-mission and the related plans for a platform for direct exchange between young leaders of world Christianity.
A Mennonite and Evangelical visionary thinker and bridge builder – Obituary by Thomas Schirrmacher
With a history of 44 years of providing theological perspectives and insights on contemporary issues, we are very pleased to now offer you the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) online free of charge.
As President of the Royal Ghassanid Academy of Arts and Sciences I am pleased to report on the recognition of the Ghassanid Royal House by the world's largest non-governmental body of Muslim leaders.