ZOCD can count on the support of Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
The board of the ZOCD can count on the support of the Bavarian Bishop and EKD Council President Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The board of the ZOCD can count on the support of the Bavarian Bishop and EKD Council President Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
I have received blessings and birthday wishes from all over the world upon my 60th birthday June 25, 2020. I want to express my thanks for all of them.
The German publishing House Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft – Culture and Science Publ. (VKW) published Peirong Lin’s research on ‘Countering Mission Drift in a Faith-based Organisation: An Interdisciplinary Theological Interpretation Focused on the Case Study of World Vision’s Identity Formation’.
After 30 years of membership in the International Council, Maja Caspari, Chairperson of the Romania Section, left us in March 2020 at the age of 88 after a long illness.
The Department of Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance has published two speeches of its members at a Human Rights Conference of the Anglo-American University held at the Czech National Bank.
Ein Jahr nach dem 100. Gedenktag an den Beginn der Endphase des Genozids an Griechen im Pontosgebiet und Kleinasien hat der Präsident des Internationalen Rates der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, Thomas Schirrmacher, die Anerkennung des Genozids an den Pontosgriechen durch Bundestag und Bundesregierung angemahnt.