Gebende Hände (Giving Hands) in Somalia
Our project manager for crisis relief just sent us this photo report from our Givings-Hands-Team helping in Somalia.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Our project manager for crisis relief just sent us this photo report from our Givings-Hands-Team helping in Somalia.
Thomas Schirrmacher thanking the Great Imam of Lahore, Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, leading the second largest mosque in the world with up to 100.000 visitors on Fridays, that he several times stoped a mob, that want to burn Christian quarters
INTERVIEW This interview was published by the Austrian Evangelical Alliance after the Bishops Synod on Marriage and Family in the Vatican in 2015.
Pictures of my Cuba journey
Der Menschenrechtspreis 2016 der Schweizer Sektion der IGFM geht an eine mutige und zugunsten der Menschenrechte bewusst polarisierende Frau, die gewissermaßen in einem der wichtigsten Wespennester der Gegenwart ‚herumstochert‘.
A german review of the book „Koran und Bibel“ by Anna Müller.