Volkmar Klein and Thomas Schirrmacher visit the Special Advisor for Religious Minorities in the Near East and South/Central Asia in the State Department in Washington
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
“The secular state must equally guarantee freedom of religion for freedom loving Muslims and use its monopoly on the use of force to suppress those Islamists who are enemies of freedom of religion.”
Im Rahmen der in Oxford tagenden ‚Religious Liberty Partnership‘, einem Netzwerk globaler NGOs, die sich für Religionsfreiheit einsetzen, haben führende Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen diskutiert, wieso Fragen der Verletzung der Religionsfreiheit von der wissenschaftlichen Forschung so stiefmütterlich behandelt werden.
Suggestion for an interreligious Code of Ethics for Missions This article was originally published in 2016 and didn’t appear on my blog until now. (Bonn, 01.08.2016) Media reports state that Aiman Mazyek, Chairman of the […]
In the main building of the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology Zurich (ETH) in a guest lecture organized by the vbg Christlicher Hochschulverein Zürich (a Christian university association in Zurich) and Martin Bucer Seminary on the topic of “Ethics without God? How much Belief do Human Rights need?”, the President of the International Council of the International Society of Human Rights and Ambassador for Human Rights of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, underscored the term and the message behind “human rights.”
After conviction the criminals were not initially sent to prison, but a day later the implementation of justice may have begun, more than nine years after the death of the martyrs. This article was originally […]