Europe and the USA should combine their Expertise in the Battle against Human Trafficking
The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
(Bonn, 19.07.2016) The short version of Thomas Schirrmacher 8-volumes-ethics has been published in Czech language, the second East-European language after the Romanian edition. The English is distributed globally by the World Evangelical Alliance as part […]
Thomas Schirrmacher, Rector of the Martin Bucer Seminary, in an address before the 200 delegates at the general assembly of the Swiss Pentecostal Mission (Schweizerische Pfingstmission, or SPM) at the Christian Center Buchegg, emphasized that in his view the time for missions has not ended but has really just begun.
The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Schirrmacher, visited the President of the exile government of Abkhazia, Vakhtang Kolbaia, together with the President of the exile Parliament and individual ministers, during a visit to the Georgia Section of the ISHR.
The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, Thomas Schirrmacher, has congratulated the Georgian government on the successful containment of corruption during a visit to the Georgia Section of the ISHR.
82 Evangelical Theologians from all over Europe meet in ‘Lutherstadt’ Wittenberg