The devastating Situation Christian Minorities face in non-democratic Countries
ARTICLE Why Christianity increasingly suffers from discrimination and persecution
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE Why Christianity increasingly suffers from discrimination and persecution
19 years after the establishment of the Global Christian Forum, the representatives of the world Christian community met together in Geneva for a historic meeting to decide on its continuation
A rare picture: Two Christians discussing with two Muslim politicians working for peace, human rights and religious freedom.
Together with members of the Royal Ghassanid family from Lebanon and Jordan including Prince Gharios and Sheikh El Chemor, which ruled Lebanon until the 18th century, I had the privilege to discuss religious freedom with the President of Lebanon.
With this photo I made it into the Facebook-account of Chancellor Angela Merkel:
PLENARY SPEECH on „Human Rights in the One World“ at the Synod of the Lutheran Church of Württemberg, 6th July, 2016.
60th General Conference of Military Chaplains on the Topic of “Violence within Religions” (Berlin, 24.10.2015) This General Conference held by all Catholic military and chaplains with representatives from many other European countries took place Berlin-Steglitz and […]