† Marat Zakhidov (1940–2019)
At the age of 78, Prof. Dr. Marat Zakhidov, Secretary General of the International Council of the ISHR, has left us.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
At the age of 78, Prof. Dr. Marat Zakhidov, Secretary General of the International Council of the ISHR, has left us.
The Chairman of the Central Council of Oriental Christians and Associate Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, was received by the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Catholicos Karekin II, for an audience with his wife, the Bonn Islamic scholar Christine Schirrmacher, after they had commemorated the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian genocide from 1915 in the Genocide Memorial Complex Tsitsernakaberd in Yerevan.
Expert hearing in the Human Rights Committee of the German Bundestag
A review by Christiane Zeigermann on the book Menschenhandel – Die Rückkehr der Sklaverei. Courtesy of jesus.de.
The Christian relief organization “Mission Freedom” (Hamburg) has opened a shelter in the Rhine-Main region for women who want to bail out of forced prostitution.
As President of the ISHR I have been invited to testify on November 28, 2018 in the Human Rights Council of the German Federal Parliament („Deutscher Bundestag“) on „Threatened People“ on November 28, 2018. Having studied ethnology/cultural anthropology among other subjects, this is a topic that has accompanied me all my life.
Thomas Schirrmacher. Human Trafficking – The Return to Slavery. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 12. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2013.