The Conversion and Baptism of Iranians: Simultaneously Saving the Honor of Converts to all Religions
Why of all Things do Muslims become Christians? A Word regarding the Baptisms of Iranians, Afghans, and Others
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Why of all Things do Muslims become Christians? A Word regarding the Baptisms of Iranians, Afghans, and Others
An Atheist kills a Christian in Freiburg because, among other things, she did not consider homosexuality fitting behavior.
One of two Christian governors of Indonesia, the governor of Jakarta and therewith the most important Christian politician of the country, Tjahaja Purnamas, briefly called ‘Ahok’, was not permitted to stand for his sure re-election, because there was a case of blasphemy pendent against him. The sole reason for this commotion – in this friend and foe agree – was not the concern about god or a holy book, but rather the prevention of his re-election.
Here you find my review, in which I as president of the International Council of the International Society of Human Rights (ISHR) recommend the new book of Rudolf Decker about Africa as pioneering.
The CDU/CSU Evangelical Working Group has published a talk held by the President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, Thomas Schirrmacher. The talk, entitled “Human Rights in the One World,” was held at at the State Synod of the Lutheran Church in Württemberg and has been appeared in the CDU/CSU Protestant Working Group’s Evangelische Verantwortung (Protestant Responsibility) magazine.
The International Institute of Religious Freedom published all the 12 official reports to the UN Human Rights Council of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religions and Belief, presented by the present United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Heiner Bielefeldt. Each report has its own specific topic like religious minorities, apostasy and blasphemy, conversion, women’s rights, or school education.
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