„Human Rights in the One World“
PLENARY SPEECH on „Human Rights in the One World“ at the Synod of the Lutheran Church of Württemberg, 6th July, 2016.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
PLENARY SPEECH on „Human Rights in the One World“ at the Synod of the Lutheran Church of Württemberg, 6th July, 2016.
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II was invited to give a talk in a discussion panel on “Protecting Freedom of Belief and Christian Minorities in Zones of Conflict.”
Being interviewed on religious freedom on the International Lounge at Congress of Christian Businessmen in Nuremberg and an interview at UN conference at the Un Human Rights Council in Geneva over religious freedom
Pictures of the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Brazil, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira Filho, on April 4th 2017 in Brasília.
Der Menschenrechtspreis 2016 der Schweizer Sektion der IGFM geht an eine mutige und zugunsten der Menschenrechte bewusst polarisierende Frau, die gewissermaßen in einem der wichtigsten Wespennester der Gegenwart ‚herumstochert‘.
Here a new video of men speaking up against forced prostitution in Germany