Europe and the USA should combine their Expertise in the Battle against Human Trafficking
The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
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The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Schirrmacher, visited the President of the exile government of Abkhazia, Vakhtang Kolbaia, together with the President of the exile Parliament and individual ministers, during a visit to the Georgia Section of the ISHR.
The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, Thomas Schirrmacher, has congratulated the Georgian government on the successful containment of corruption during a visit to the Georgia Section of the ISHR.
WEA has pledged to do everything in its power to help build peaceful societies by advocating religious freedom and peace initiatives between religious communities.
Der Präsident des Internationalen Rates der IGFM, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, hat der diesjährigen Preisträgerin des Franz-Werfel-Menschenrechtspreises der Stiftung Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen in der Frankfurter Paulskirche gratuliert, dass es ihr gelungen sei, getreu ihres „11. Gebotes: Du sollst dich erinnern“ deutlich zu machen, das massenhafte Menschenrechtsverletzung nicht vergessen werden dürfen, sondern erforscht und aufgearbeitet werden müssen, egal wer an wem schuldig geworden sei. Freya Klier erhielt den Preis aus der Hand der Vorsitzenden der Stiftung, Erika Steinbach, MdB, und dem Frankfurter Bürgermeister Uwe Becker.
The 2016 Yearbook on Religious Freedom contains articles by Angela Merkel, Volker Kauder, Annette Schawan, and Heiner Bielefeldt as well as articles by Alevites, Yazidis, and Baha’i. The 2016 Yearbook on Christian Persecution and Discrimination goes into the question of religious minorities in refugee shelters and deals in particular with China, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, and Turkey.
In late November the 3 day “Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security” was held at the UN in Geneva to address the spread of violent extremism, which manipulates and misuses religion to justify brutal violence against civilians.