International Institute for Religious Freedom audits World Watch List
For the third time the World Watch List of Open Doors has been audited positively by a team of eight scholars of the International Institute for Religious Freedom.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
For the third time the World Watch List of Open Doors has been audited positively by a team of eight scholars of the International Institute for Religious Freedom.
According to the conviction of the theologian and sociologist of religion Professor Thomas Schirrmacher (Bonn), Christians can only be effectively protected from persecution where minorities in general have freedom. Engagement for persecuted Christians therefore always presupposes a commitment to general freedom of religion.
Diese Meldung stammt ursprünglich aus dem Jahr 2015 und ist bisher nicht in meinem Blog erschienen. (Bonn, 05.06.2015) Die Arbeitsgruppe Christenverfolgung des Bundesfachausschusses Außen-, Sicherheits-, Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtspolitik der CDU Deutschlands hat sich unter der […]
In its newest International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) report Thomas Schirrmacher describes the present day discrimination of Armenians in Turkey today.
Lecture for the CDU Solingen “The German state must equally guarantee freedom of religion for freedom loving Muslims and also use its monopoly on the use of force to suppress those Islamicists who are enemies […]
At the International Meeting for Peace organized by the Catholic community Sant’Egidio, one of the largest interreligious meetings for dialogue in the world with leaders of all world religions, the World Evangelical Alliance’s moderator for intrafaith and interfaith relations and human rights and freedom of religion expert, Thomas Schirrmacher, has called upon the international Christian community to awaken from its lethargy and demonstrate a heretofore unequalled level of solidarity in light of the world situation.
Source: WEA News The Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Thomas Schirrmacher, gave a guest lecture entitled “Religious Freedom as a Threatened Human Right in Worldwide Perspective: The Major Factors in the Growing Assault […]