Observations on Apologetics and Its Relation to Contemporary Christian Mission
ARTICLE Christians often think of apologetics as something that only academics do, but actually it has always been an essential part of Christian mission.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE Christians often think of apologetics as something that only academics do, but actually it has always been an essential part of Christian mission.
The Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance speaks at South African Theological Seminary – ceremony is now on YouTube.
During his visit to the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, Pope Francis, along with many kind words, urged the WCC to once again prioritize the task of evangelism and mission.
The Executive Board of missiotop (Evangelical Forum for Missions, Cultures and Religions) of the German Evangelical Alliance takes the 65th birthday of Dr. Detlef Blöcher as an occasion for a very personal “thank you” in its journal “Evangelische Missiologie” 2/2018, pp. 113–114: ...
My article on „Christian Witness in a multi-religious World“ (2011) in the magazine of the Protestant Association of Germany (Evangelischer Bund) is currently only available in German.
To the reader’s letter “Ecumenism – the loss of the true Gospel?” by Wolfgang Nestvogel (idea Spektrum, No. 12, p. 43) as well as to the report “Christians should read the Bible instead of attending ecumenical meetings” (on idea.de)
ARTICLE “Protestant responsibility” (“Evangelische Verantwortung”) of the EAK of the CDU/CSU publishes “critical statement” on the decision of the Rhenish State Synod