The World is Ripe for Conversion
Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif. Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche. 2., korrigierte und auf neue Rechtschreibung umgestellte Aufl.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif. Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche. 2., korrigierte und auf neue Rechtschreibung umgestellte Aufl.
ARTICLE Thoughts on the relationship of theology, missiology and mission, presented by the chair of the Theological Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, to the General Assembly of the Missions Commission of the WEA at Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany, November 2011.
Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher from the leadership team of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) visited the Hawaiian islands of O‘ahu and Hawaii/Big Island on the trails of the first Christian missionaries.
In the German and the Englisch Festschrift of the EMW in Hamburg you can find my contribution: “Taking the Chance to Get Closer”.
The International Institute for Religious Freedom published the whole launch session plus several interviews with key players in its YouTube Channel.
In 1877 a Pietist theology professor called for an end to the Chinese opium trade Excerpt from Thomas Schirrmacher. Theodor Christlieb und seine Missionstheologie (Theodor Christlieb and His Theology of Mission). Telos: Wuppertal, 1985. “The […]
A had the privilege to open the launch of the ecumenical “Recommendations for Conduct” in Geneva on the 28th of June, 2011 (see here) with the following words: Today, we are gathered here to launch this historic […]