Pope Francis, further reflections
After my participation at the inauguration of the Pope and my short conversation with the Pope the following day (which was carried live on Italian television and was also broadcast by Phoenix in German), I […]
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
After my participation at the inauguration of the Pope and my short conversation with the Pope the following day (which was carried live on Italian television and was also broadcast by Phoenix in German), I […]
Long before the term ‚missional’ became known and famous and missional principles were formulated, Emil Brunner in 1931 described the missional life of the church well in his The Word and the World (London: Student […]
Der neueste Band des Jahrbuchs des Martin Bucer Seminars greift ein ‚heißes Eisen‘ der Theologie auf. Es geht um die trinitätstheologische Frage, von wem der Heilige Geist ausgeht. Abendländische Theologen haben das (zumindest seit Augustinus) […]
A major contribution to the course of religious freedom: Elmer Thiessen. The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defence of Proselytizing and Persuasion.
People involved in the five year process leading to the ecumenical recommendations “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World”, whom I want to thank
The following article by a Catholic and a Protestant author was published in German as an introduction to the printed German version of the ecumenical code “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World – Recommendations for Conduct”
A had the privilege to open the launch of the ecumenical “Recommendations for Conduct” in Geneva on the 28th of June, 2011 (see here) with the following words: Today, we are gathered here to launch this historic […]