My greeting to the 40th anniversary of the “Evangelisches Missionswerk” (EMW) in Hamburg
In the German and the Englisch Festschrift of the EMW in Hamburg you can find my contribution: “Taking the Chance to Get Closer”.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
In the German and the Englisch Festschrift of the EMW in Hamburg you can find my contribution: “Taking the Chance to Get Closer”.
The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after creation, God became the first missionary.
As a contribution to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Culture and Science Publishing (Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft) is making the book by Johannes Kritzl on Luther’s assessment of the Turkish wars available for download free of charge.
At the end of his speech on principles of peace-making at a Vatican conference on “Ethics in Action,” Prof. Thomas K. Johnson, WEA Ambassador to the Vatican, asked the photographers to come to the front. He then publicly shook hands with the Iranian Shiite Ayatollah Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad, a prominent international spokesman for his variety of Islam.
Suggestion for an interreligious Code of Ethics for Missions This article was originally published in 2016 and didn’t appear on my blog until now. (Bonn, 01.08.2016) Media reports state that Aiman Mazyek, Chairman of the […]
Thomas Schirrmacher, Rector of the Martin Bucer Seminary, in an address before the 200 delegates at the general assembly of the Swiss Pentecostal Mission (Schweizerische Pfingstmission, or SPM) at the Christian Center Buchegg, emphasized that in his view the time for missions has not ended but has really just begun.
Johnson and Schirrmacher represent World Evangelical Alliance at consultation of the three cooperating institutions (Bonn, 27.06.2016) At the invitation of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID), on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of […]