Collaboration without Compromise
ARTICLE The World Evangelical Alliance and Roman Catholic Leaders
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE The World Evangelical Alliance and Roman Catholic Leaders
On April 7th, the “Stephanus-Prize for Persecuted Christians” was awarded in Bonn to Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, the former bishop of Hongkong, for his courage and his persistence in decades of strong engagement for the rights of freedom, notably of religious freedom.
Report by ideaHeute on the second National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in the Hofburg in Vienna
To the reader’s letter “Ecumenism – the loss of the true Gospel?” by Wolfgang Nestvogel (idea Spektrum, No. 12, p. 43) as well as to the report “Christians should read the Bible instead of attending ecumenical meetings” (on
ARTICLE “Protestant responsibility” (“Evangelische Verantwortung”) of the EAK of the CDU/CSU publishes “critical statement” on the decision of the Rhenish State Synod