Christian witness in a multi-religious world – five years of work
An Overview of the 5-year process leading to todays launch of the ecumenical recommendations “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World”
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
An Overview of the 5-year process leading to todays launch of the ecumenical recommendations “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World”
Vespers held in the Neuss Cathedral by the Working Group of Christian Churches in and around Neuss broach the Issue of the increasing Discrimination and Persecution of Christians of all Denominations In light of the […]
PDF-Download of full version here. Here the first two pages abbreviated: The Pontifical Biblical Commission is a part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in a certain sense is the Vatican’s […]
Eine schöne PDF-Version meines Beitrags vom 14.5.2016 kann hier heruntergeladen werden: „Freude der Liebe“ Außerdem wirft meinn im September erscheinendes Buch „Kaffeepausen mit dem Papst“ seine Schatten voraus, ein erstes Interview erschien bei
Collected blog posts October 4 – 25 on Christian Post During the Vatican synod I blogged more or less daily on Christian Post. Now those blogs have been proofread by Thomas K. Johnson and nicely collected […]
The following article by Thomas K. Johnson and me, entitled “Why We, As Evangelical Reformed Christians, Seek to Dialogue with Pope Francis” and addressing this question, appeared on the website of the theologically very 'conservative' World Reformed Fellowship, to which we both belong.
This article by Thomas K. Johnsone and myself was published on the website of the theologically quite conservative World Reformed Fellowship, to which we both belong. Downloads: Why We, As Evangelical Reformed Christians, Seek to […]