Der Evangelische Glaube kompakt – a review by Sergej Pauli
Sergej Pauli reviews Schirrmacher German book “Der Evangelische Glaube kompakt” after 25 years
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Sergej Pauli reviews Schirrmacher German book “Der Evangelische Glaube kompakt” after 25 years
MBS TEXTE 56 In hard times we recognize the urgency of God’s unchanging will
MBS TEXTE 70 Como argumento para lo que se puede o lo que no se debe hacer en la iglesia, la evangelización e incluso en la política, escuchamos frecuentemente la aseveración de que estamos viviendo en los últimos tiempos y que tenemos que tomar esto en consideración.
ARTICLE The Three Levels of Government in the New Testament Church
The lack of a critical publication of the final documents regarding one of the most important historical events concerning Reformed churches, namely the Synod of Dordt, has been one of the puzzles of church history research. The sources found in numerous European archives have never been used, nor have they been made accessible to the general public.
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
On the death of my dear teacher, Georg Huntemann, – especially on ethics and Judaism – my obituary appeared in 2014 in the journal of the Martin Bucer Seminars Glauben und Denken heute in issue 1/2014 together with a classical essay by Huntemann “Eigentum als Schöpfungsordnung Gottes”.