New: Internal WEA newsletter
Here is the first edition of the new internal WEA newsletter, which each time also will be posted on the web after a while. Thanks to the Communications Department!
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
During the handover ceremony inaugurating my term as Secretary General, I referred to Holy Scripture as the constitution of Evangelicals. Here is a slightly edited excerpt from my remarks.
With a history of over 44 years of providing theological perspectives and insights on contemporary issues, you can download the latest issue of Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) now online free of charge.
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly news sheet, is published and can be downloaded as PDF.
Inaugural speech of the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Bishop Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, Bonn, on 27 February 2021
I have been asked, whether my German book on Pope Francis will ever be published in English. The answer is ‘No’.
Welcoming address by Thomas Schirrmacher on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the STH Basel