Theological News 3/2020 is published
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly news sheet, is published and can be downloaded as PDF.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The national Conferences of Bishops of the Catholic Church worldwide met at the Vatican in February 2019 for a summit on sexual abuse. Time to look back a year later, as much has happened in some countries, but there is no real progress on the global level.
At its annual conference, the Evangelische Forum für Mission, Kultur und Religion e. V. (Evangelical Forum for Mission, Culture and Religion), briefly named ‘missiotop’, which belongs to the Evangelical Alliance in Germany, elected Dr. Martin Heißwolf as its new chairman.
Minutes of the plenary meeting of the Faith and Order Commission in Nanjing June 2019 published
At the invitation of the directors of the Center, Paul and Susi Childers, Thomas and Christine Schirrmacher visited the University of the Nations (UoN) in Kailua-Kona (Big Island/Hawaii) as representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA).
As representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas and Christine Schirrmacher visited the national Evangelical Alliances of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.