Fundamentalism is a militant Truth Claim
I allow myself, as a sociologist of religion, to throw my definition of fundamentalism into the ring.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
I allow myself, as a sociologist of religion, to throw my definition of fundamentalism into the ring.
Against maliciously equating Evangelicals with Islamic Terrorists Within three days I found the following randomly chosen reports about Islamists, which were published almost simultaneously in practically all major media in Germany: in the Pakistan capital […]
This is a translation of a German news article by A. Wirth written for ProKompakt on the publication of my book “Rassismus”, see here, see the German original here: proKOMPAKT 28/2009 pp. 17–18. An English […]
Meine lange Stellungnahme zum Buch.
Zu meinem Vortrag ‚Sola Gratia’ auf den ‚Internationalen Studientagen’ des Arche Studienzentrums in Hamburg unter dem Gesamtthema „Die ‚Sola’ der Reformation“ schrieb Thomas Josiger in einem Presseartikel: ...