Significant increase in hate speech and hate crimes against Protestant Christians
Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey publishes annual human rights report
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey publishes annual human rights report
The official documents of the dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance
Greeting by Thomas Paul Schirrmacher in Russian, German and English
The German Evangelical Alliance expressed its great appreciation to Schirrmacher for his many years of dedicated service in many areas of the EAD and the WEA.
Bishop Thomas Paul Schirrmacher has resigned as General Secretary of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announced the resignation of its Secretary General Dr. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher as of March 31, 2024, for health reasons.
Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif. Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche. 2., korrigierte und auf neue Rechtschreibung umgestellte Aufl.