WEA welcomes Book “Christianity” by All Churches in Turkey
Schirrmacher speaks at book launch to the Ecumenical Patriarch and other heads of churches in Turkey
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
On the death of my dear teacher, Georg Huntemann, – especially on ethics and Judaism – my obituary appeared in 2014 in the journal of the Martin Bucer Seminars Glauben und Denken heute in issue 1/2014 together with a classical essay by Huntemann “Eigentum als Schöpfungsordnung Gottes”.
Thomas Schirrmacher. Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission: 69 Theses Toward an Ongoing Global Reformation. World of Theology Series 11. 2018.
The German newsletter on persecution of Christians of the International Society for Human Rights has endorsed your German yearbooks on religious freedom and on the persecution and discrimination of Christians. It also quotes in length from my advocacy for the unguilty improsined former major of Jakarta, „Ahok“.
As a young man, I had the rare chance to meet Billy Graham personally. I asked him what he would do differently if he could Iive over again. He replied that before becoming a Christian leader, he would have invested much more time in studying the Bible in depth and being discipled by a respected Bible teacher.
The Co-Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer, welcomes in an extensive analysis that the “Ecumenical report on the religious freedom of Christians around the world” has renewed attention for the discrimination and persecution of Christians.