“Pope views Evangelicals as exemplary”
The Family Synod has shown that Pope Francis regards Evangelical Christians as exemplary for Catholics. For conservatives, the final document offers cause for both satisfaction and disappointment.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Family Synod has shown that Pope Francis regards Evangelical Christians as exemplary for Catholics. For conservatives, the final document offers cause for both satisfaction and disappointment.
Schon vor dem Erscheinungstermin am 03.11.2015 stehen das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2015 und das Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2015 ab sofort kostenlos zum Download und zum freien Einstellen und Bereitstellen auf anderen Webseiten bereit.
At the International Meeting for Peace organized by the Catholic community Sant’Egidio, one of the largest interreligious meetings for dialogue in the world with leaders of all world religions, the World Evangelical Alliance’s moderator for intrafaith and interfaith relations and human rights and freedom of religion expert, Thomas Schirrmacher, has called upon the international Christian community to awaken from its lethargy and demonstrate a heretofore unequalled level of solidarity in light of the world situation.
An Overview of the 5-year process leading to todays launch of the ecumenical recommendations “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World”
(Bonn, 30.11.2015) A new volume from the Bonn publishing house Kultur und Wissenschaft within the series “History – Church History – Reformation” deals with the ethical and political positions of Baptist free churches during the […]
Vespers held in the Neuss Cathedral by the Working Group of Christian Churches in and around Neuss broach the Issue of the increasing Discrimination and Persecution of Christians of all Denominations In light of the […]
PDF-Download of full version here. Here the first two pages abbreviated: The Pontifical Biblical Commission is a part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in a certain sense is the Vatican’s […]