Interview at the Close of the Vatican Synod with the Austrian Evangelical Alliance (2015)
INTERVIEW This interview was published by the Austrian Evangelical Alliance after the Bishops Synod on Marriage and Family in the Vatican in 2015.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
INTERVIEW This interview was published by the Austrian Evangelical Alliance after the Bishops Synod on Marriage and Family in the Vatican in 2015.
Pictures of my Cuba journey
Der Menschenrechtspreis 2016 der Schweizer Sektion der IGFM geht an eine mutige und zugunsten der Menschenrechte bewusst polarisierende Frau, die gewissermaßen in einem der wichtigsten Wespennester der Gegenwart ‚herumstochert‘.
A german review of the book „Koran und Bibel“ by Anna Müller.
Attached the greetings by myself (with nice words about Frank Heinrich) and by Frank Heinrich, member of the German federal parliament (with nice words about me) – we did not know what the other would say!
Here a new video of men speaking up against forced prostitution in Germany
Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher have paid a visit to the ministry of religious affairs in Azerbaijan as well as to government organizations having to do with the areas of religion and culture. Additionally, they visited the leaders of the different Muslim confessions as well as leaders of the Jewish community and the leadership of the officially recognized denominations within the country (Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran), all in an effort to construct a picture of the situation relating to religious freedom and the status of the dialogue conducted between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Besides that, they also met with the chairpersons of the most important human rights organizations in the country.