The history and development of Islam in Germany
WEA Islamic Relations Coordinator gives seminar at Bibellesebund
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
WEA Islamic Relations Coordinator gives seminar at Bibellesebund
The February issue of Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) has been published and can be downloaded.
In this video, Thomas Paul thanks Johannes Reimer for his service and commitment to the WEA’s Peace and Reconciliation Network and Public Engagement Department.
In this episode, Thomas Paul is again at Westminster Theological Seminary and speaks with Mark Garcia about the dialogue with the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
In this video you can see some impressions of Thomas Paul’s year 2023 here – where he visited more than 35 National Alliances in more than 20 countries.
The New Year's Greeting of the WEA Secretary General Thomas Paul.
Christmas Greeting from the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance Thomas Schirrmacher.