Im folgenden finden sich einige Gedanken, die entweder der Länge wegen aus meinem Beitrag „Aufklärungsformate im Fernsehen: Die Ironie der sexuellen Revolution“. S. 202-208 in: Die Medienanstalten (Hg.). Programmbericht 2014: Fernsehen in Deutschland: Programmforschung und […]
At the International Meeting for Peace organized by the Catholic community Sant’Egidio, one of the largest interreligious meetings for dialogue in the world with leaders of all world religions, the World Evangelical Alliance’s moderator for intrafaith and interfaith relations and human rights and freedom of religion expert, Thomas Schirrmacher, has called upon the international Christian community to awaken from its lethargy and demonstrate a heretofore unequalled level of solidarity in light of the world situation.
Hier mein Beitrag „Aufklärungsformate im Fernsehen: Die Ironie der sexuellen Revolution“. S. 202-208 in: Die Medienanstalten (Hg.). Programmbericht 2014: Fernsehen in Deutschland: Programmforschung und Programmdiskurs. Vistas: Leipzig, 2015. ISBN 978-3-89158-610-5 als Auszug aus dem PDF des Buches: […]
ARTICLE Even if the Armenian question does not have the importance of the Kurd question for Turkey’s domestic policy, it plays a central role for Turkey’s selfunderstanding. What lies at the center is not primarily the everyday discrimination of Armenians which emanates from the population.
My blog of 12 October 2015 Is The Pope the Antichrist? Not according to sola scriptura! has been placed under the original article I reacted to, on the website of the World Reformed Fellowship. Because of the strong personal reaction of the other author, I added the following paragraphs:
While I am representing the World Evangelical Alliance at the Vatican synod and shake hands with the Pope daily, the Vatican Files state as “Evangelical Theological Perspectives” that the Pope is the “Antichrist” and references 1 John 2:18; 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7 and the Beast of Revelation 13:17-18. It quotes historic persons such as Martin Luther, historic confessions such as the Westminster Confession, and especially explains the views of Francis Turretin (1623-1687), who is often seen as the master of classical Protestant theology.
Archbishop and Professor Dr. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher is President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, President of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Co-President of Religions for Peace and President of the Bonn Abrahamic Center for Global Peace, Justice and Sustainability (BAC). Read more …
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