Divine Affectivity and Mission
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
REVIEW ARTICLE Gerhard Lindemann, The History of the Evangelical Alliance in the Age of Liberalism (1846–1879). Theology: Research and Scholarship Vol. 24).
These theses were presented on Jan. 10th, 2013 in Gießen at a workshop about insider movements and were slightly modified for printing. Evangelikale Missiologie 29 (2013) 4: 171.175.
In der Klosterkirche des Kloster Wiblingen etwa 5 km vom Ortszentrum von Ulm entfernt hatte der oberschwäbsiche Rokokobildhauer und Altar- und Kanzelbauer Fidel Sporer (1731–1811) um 1780 eine grandiose Idee. Genau gegenüber der wunderschönen Kanzel […]
The Prime Minister of the Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Dr Salam Fayyad, resigned on the 13th of May, 2013. As I regret this very much, I offered a news item in my last blog. Here now […]
The Prime Minister of the Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Dr Salam Fayyad, resigned on the 13th of May, 2013. As I regret this very much, I offer the following news item and interview of March 2012, […]