The most dangerous Place on Earth
In Germany as in many other countries the most dangerous place one can be is in the womb, that is to say, the place which in general linguistic usage and literature used to be the […]
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
In Germany as in many other countries the most dangerous place one can be is in the womb, that is to say, the place which in general linguistic usage and literature used to be the […]
Uwe Siemon-Netto. „Gift direkt ins Herz”. Rheinischer Merkur Nr. 19, 7.5.2009 schreibt: Es mutet seltsam an, dass sich ausgerechnet der Afroamerikaner Barack Obama im Krieg der Kulturen auf die Seite von Leuten wie Tiller und […]
This is a translation of a German news article by A. Wirth written for ProKompakt on the publication of my book “Rassismus”, see here, see the German original here: proKOMPAKT 28/2009 pp. 17–18. An English […]
As is generally known, the California Supreme Court decided on May 26, 2009 by a vote of 6 to 1 that the result of the referendum against homosexual marriage, known as Proposition 8 (“Only marriage […]
It was not only in connection with my book The Multicultural Society that I took a look at the condition of migrants from various ancestral backgrounds. The first integration report from the German Federal government […]
In my greeting in the name of the World Evangelical Alliance for the commencement of Olivet University in San Francisco June 9, 2009, I said among other things about Prof. Dr. Ralph Winter (1924-2009), since […]