On swearing
ARTICLE Th. Schirrmacher and Kathleen McCall, A Life of Transformation – From Politician to Good Samaritan
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE Th. Schirrmacher and Kathleen McCall, A Life of Transformation – From Politician to Good Samaritan
LECTURE on a conference of the AEM from China Partners in Krelingen.
ARTICLE An Evangelical Perspective on Medical Killing
ARTICLE A short introduction in the life of the reformer Martin Bucer.
Model Children’s Center New Hope Uganda celebrates its 20-year existence (Bonn, 23.02.2009) They came in great numbers – the former sons and daughters of the Children’s Center Kasana of New Hope Uganda celebrating the big […]
MBS TEXTE 94 Provides an overview of National Socialism as a rival religion to Christianity. 14 major documents and research literature prove National Socialism not only to be a political party, but to be a faith in salvation and a future kingdom. ere even examples of prayers to Hitler and of plans to esta- blish the Hitler cult as the only religion in Europe once the war was won.
MBS TEXTE 65 This propositions were presented as a common formulation of evangelical missiology to the tenth jubilee of the journal „Evangelikale Missiologie“ of the „Association of German evangelical missiologists“ (AfeM) in 1994 and published in the jubilee edition of this magazine as well as several other evangelical magazines in the German speaking world and the Netherlands. This is an updated version, making 31 propositions out of the original 30.