New Alliance to Serve Chinese Christians Globally
The WEA announced the formation of a new partner organization that will represent the interests of ethnic Chinese Christians all over the world.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The WEA announced the formation of a new partner organization that will represent the interests of ethnic Chinese Christians all over the world.
In this episode, Thomas Paul speaks about his experience in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The WEA has contributed a statement in response to the UNs’ New Agenda for Peace, an initiative of the UN Secretary General linked to recognition of the 75th anniversary of the UDHR.
In this video, Thomas Paul and Bishop Efraim Tendero visit the installation of the new Secretary General of the Salvation Army.
This time, Thomas Paul visits Josué da Ponte, the General Secretary of the Aliança Evangélica Portuguesa (AEP).
In this episode, Thomas Paul is at the GCF in the garden of the WCC in Geneva and talks to Rev. Dr. Casely Essamuah, the Secretary of the GCF.
In this video, Thomas Paul attends the 75. birthday of the World Council of Churches in Geneva and speaks about the Reformed Tradition.