“The dream that would not die”
WEA pays tribute to its former International Director David Howard
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
WEA pays tribute to its former International Director David Howard
The WCC and Global Christian Forum, in a signing ceremony, affirmed their unique roles in their mutual quest for Christian unity.
In this episode, Thomas Paul meets Olaf Edsinger, the General Secretary of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance in Stockholm/Sweden.
WEA and IJCIC hold historic first meeting in Jerusalem on jewish-evangelical relations
The Martin Bucer Seminar (MBS) celebrated its anniversary “25 plus 1” with Dr. Roland Werner and Alexander Schick in Bonn on June 11, 2022.
In this episode, Thomas Paul is in the WEA headquarter in Dover meeting the President and the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Korea.
The WEA Secretary General discusses current global crises with UN Head and commits to increased engagement on issues of common concern