WEA Secretary General Congratulates UN Environment Programme to 50th Anniversary
The WEA Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher Congratulates UN Environment Programme to 50th Anniversary and calls UN Body “Pioneer in Engaging Faith Groups”
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The WEA Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher Congratulates UN Environment Programme to 50th Anniversary and calls UN Body “Pioneer in Engaging Faith Groups”
Thomas Schirmacher meets with the AEA General Secretary and leadership of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
The WEA welcomes the resolution agreed upon at the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly to end plastic pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement.
In this episode, Thomas Paul attends the 5th Assembly of the United Nations Environment Program in Nairobi, Kenya together with Matthias Böhning.
United Nations Environment Programme • Faith for Earth Initiative • UNEA 5.2 Faith for Earth Dialogue
In this episode, Thomas Paul (Secretary General of the WEA) explains why Paul was a religious extremist too.
As part of the Historical Faith Society’s monthly talk show series, Alexander Schick will be Timothy Mahoney’s guest this coming Sunday.