New book on theological education through continuing education (TEE)
New Book on Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Proves the Model’s Effectiveness and Adaptability to Meet the Training Needs of Today’s Global Church
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New Book on Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Proves the Model’s Effectiveness and Adaptability to Meet the Training Needs of Today’s Global Church
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) together with a number of member and partner organizations represented an evangelical voice at the COP26 in Glasgow, UK.
The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of the WEA published the latest issue of the International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF).
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, sends his greetings to Congress “Lausanne Europe 20/21: Dynamic Gospel – New Europe”.
Charting a New Direction of Christian-Muslim Relations
Schirrmacher visited the “Museum of the Bible” on a recent trip to Washington, DC, enjoying a guided tour and meeting with Harry M. Hargrave.